Wierd Problems with Memory Stick


Inactive User
Mar 24, 2005
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Hiya guys... n girls
I have had a few issues recently, I wondered if it was the Memory stick or not, but decided to post here and mebbe get a few views on the problems, maybe its happened to you who knows
I have two Memory Stick Duo for the PSP, one is a 1GB the other a 4GB
I use the 1GB one for Juiced 2 and PSP radio, the 4GB I only just got it, but I have problems with both
The 1GB one seems to be ok using PSP Radio, but if I save data from Juiced 2, its corrupt when I go to load the game data up next time around
The same is true of the 4GB mem too, but with the added problem of if I put more than 3 games onto it, it wont show them as being on the Memory Stick, also Game saves seem to work, then dont, then do, then dont!
All the games copy to the Mem Stick ok, file sizes match the original, and thanks to Jonthe hun for pointing out that if you have them on DVD or CD, they need to go to the PC HD first as they dont always copy directly from the DVD (Thanks mate :) ) so is it the Memory Stick?
I brought BOTH from a trusted Ebay Seller, but reading up on the Memory Conterfeit issues, seems damm near impossible now to either tell the real ones from the fake, or actually buy a genuine Sony Memory Stick for a decent price in the UK!!
Anyone experience anything like this?
Your thoughts appreciated, and thanks for taking the time to read this
are you sure the cards are the real deal?
you can check them by going to any memory stick option in the XMB and pressing triangle and selecting information.
it should say magicgate: supported , if they are genuine.
if it says unknown then they are most probably fake and possibly faulty.
did you get both memory sticks at the same time?
have they worked ok in the past and these problems have only just occured?
EDIT: and you can get the real thing in the uk for a good price: http://www.play.com/Electronics/Electronics/4-/1138087/Sony-Memory-Stick-Pro-Duo-4GB/Product.html
ive brought 2 from then now, a sony 4gb and a sandisk 4gb. bith are supported and work great. 30 bucks for a genuine 4gb is a steal.
i think the 2gb are only 14 quid.
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ok guys, ordered two from Play, should sort the problems out :)

Thanks again!!
