Why the PS3 is so hard to hack

interesting read

seems they have it locked up nice an tight, although i expect it will be done one day.... when who knows lol
it will probs be hacked just in time for the ps5 to come out lol

i aint played my ps3 since i got my gaming chair in march

lost appeal to me jsu now :(

my ps3 is nothing more than a glorified dvd / blu ray player, even then it annoys me because unless its carefully placed somewhere cool with lots of space around it, it'll get noisier than 3 360's running at the same time!!
I bought and sold limited edition prince of persia without even taking off the plastic
Have to admit it, for game play, its turned into the biggest donkey of all time, everyone I know really dont play it for long, I signed in the other day and looked at all my friends on there and there status, aint signed in for 65 days , aint signed in for 121 days and so it went on, I use mine mostly for ps3 media server, but even thats becoming a very expensive media player, I bought the original, 60gb, 4 usb ports all singing all dancing, I was the original sony fan, but not anymore, Its 360 all the way now, I dabbled with the ps3, even got back up ps2 games to work from an external hard drive, but if you think about it, so what, wow, i still have my trusty ps2 with 400 gb hd built in that plays just fine, and as for the guys using a boot disk and keeping it close to their chest (bit strange for that when your on a site like this), to be honest, if it was released to the rest, by the time I bought disks, waited an age to burn it I would have been so bored I prob would still use my 360 :p its just BETTER at everything, live, content etc, so yeap, my ps3 is a glorified dust collector along with about 99% of everyone else's out there, if you only have a PS3, i feel sorry for you, jump on the 360 band wagon :)
If you dont agree with the above, then your either a liar or only own a ps3 :D
Have to admit it, for game play, its turned into the biggest donkey of all time, everyone I know really dont play it for long, I signed in the other day and looked at all my friends on there and there status, aint signed in for 65 days , aint signed in for 121 days and so it went on, I use mine mostly for ps3 media server, but even thats becoming a very expensive media player, I bought the original, 60gb, 4 usb ports all singing all dancing, I was the original sony fan, but not anymore, Its 360 all the way now, I dabbled with the ps3, even got back up ps2 games to work from an external hard drive, but if you think about it, so what, wow, i still have my trusty ps2 with 400 gb hd built in that plays just fine, and as for the guys using a boot disk and keeping it close to their chest (bit strange for that when your on a site like this), to be honest, if it was released to the rest, by the time I bought disks, waited an age to burn it I would have been so bored I prob would still use my 360 :p its just BETTER at everything, live, content etc, so yeap, my ps3 is a glorified dust collector along with about 99% of everyone else's out there, if you only have a PS3, i feel sorry for you, jump on the 360 band wagon :)
If you dont agree with the above, then your either a liar or only own a ps3 :D

i see what your saying. too tight to buy games, so jump on the 360 bandwagon. lol

i got a 360 thats hacked and it aint been on in a long long time.

much prefer my 60gb ps3, i use it for everything these days. so i guess its a personal choice, and there are alot of fantastic games coming out for ps3 over the next year. the ps3 has been getting better and better over the last 6 months or so. and it blows the planned 360 line up right out of the water, only a true xbox fanboy would deny this, but again i suppose its a personal choice.

and anyway most of the posts in this thread, have absolutely nothing to do with the subject of the thread. including this one.
fair comment, and yes the 'free games' is always useful :p