Whos thinking of upgrading from 3.55 to a higher FW once Uncharted 3 comes out??


Inactive User
Oct 13, 2006
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Im on CFW 3.55 at the moment but theres naff all happening at the moment and once uncharted 3 comes out I may be forced to upgrade and buy this game! :Angryfire

Anybody else thinking of doing the same? Or are you praying theres a CFW for 3.60 + etc?
cant you downgrade from higher firmwares now anyway? so you could play through uncharted then go back to cfw 3.55

maybe i misread something but i was flicking through ps-hacks and thought thats what i read :)


Just noticed you can duel boot and downgrade from 3.70 using something called E3 Flasher.
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i updated about 3 month after nothing was happening as i bought dirt 3 thinking id be able to play it on 3.55, lol, good choice i made as i can now play fifa online too, as obviously nothing has changed so happy i did!
Still 3.55, don't miss online so I'm fine for now.

Concentrating on my xbox slim now... Wondering what to do!
I held out for a while at 3.55, but decided to update to 3.60 and so forth, I'm thinking about getting the E3 Flasher to dual boot, but they told a lil fib and said it was solderless, but you have to solder to the MainBoard anyway by all accounts, and my soldering skills ain't worth sh!t :Mad2:
Hmmm, don't like soldering so not doing that!
Uncharted 3 is the only game I really MUST play on the ps3. Damn you Sony!
soldering is only required for fat ps3's i read somewhere, no solder for slim ps3
Ps3 homebrew is dead as a dodo:( i have two ps3 so, im not that concerned but it would be nice for a new firmware, just so i could turn on my 3.55 ps3. I think the ps3 breach, has scared off all the devs into making a new custom firmware ,which is a shame, i bet there are keys for a select few but i don't see them going public anytime soon. Just muiltiman updates is all i see and daul boots which seems exspenive and a little pointless i.m.o. Rant over:)
UC3 is gonna be popular so I would imagine a number of very clever people will work on gettting it to work on 3.55 as for upgrading i aint gonna bother as i got xbox live for online.
UC3 is gonna be popular so I would imagine a number of very clever people will work on gettting it to work on 3.55 as for upgrading i aint gonna bother as i got xbox live for online.

Same here mate. Aint turned my ps3 on in about 6-months!
Fraid i went back to my jtag 360 when deus ex arrived.

We won a few battles but Sony dropped the Atrom Bomb of legal actions and won the war.

I doubt we will see anything on PS3 for a long time if ever. Necessity is the mother of invention and all that, and 1 game just aint enough necessity.

General office view was going forward hacked 360's for offline and deciding if somethings worth spending real money on.
Legit 360 or PS3 for online (And PS3 wins that for me but that's just my view)

And i recon that just how M$ and Sony want it cos online for them is where the money is.