where is scan disk



hi,i have friend who uses windows xp, he's not too knowledgeable on the workings of this new system, so for win98 there is scandisk and defragment to itself to fix but for win xp where is scandisk or is it called something else, it has defragment and i dont want to poke there is no manuals of any kind,can anyone help <img src="smile.gif" border="0"> thanks
Im not familiar with xp but scandisc is usually found in the windows/command folder. If it goes by the same name then just do a search.
Right click on the HHD you want to scan in "my computer". Then go to properties and then scan.

[ 15 January 2002: Message edited by: Junglist_DJ ]</p>
Right click the hard drive select properties tools check now, tick the boxes you want, it will not start there and then but when you restart.
