Where can i buy a smartcard socket?



I'm wanting to give Anghy/Mr Sporty's PPv fix a go. Does anybody know where i can purchase the s-card socket and has anybody here tried this yet?<br /> I've done a Taliban Goldie which works a treat at the mo but i really want to try this. Why?.....cos its there!
buy a ready made blocker from <a href="http://www.secure.smartchips.net/acatalog/index.html" target="_blank">Smartchips</a> its ready to go other than programming the pic with your card details. Works out cheaper than buying all the bits.
I think you can get sockets from RS/Maplin/Farnell and I know you can get them from <a href="http://www.interestingdevices.co.uk/" target="_blank">Interesting Devices</a> for about £1 <img src="smile.gif" border="0">

I beta tested the idea and it works a treat.
Thx guys. Money's real tight at the mo so the ready made was out of the question. I have butchered the smart card socket out of an old analogue sat receiver and ordered a basic pcb card.<br /> Seems straightforward enough to do but we shall see..<br /> wolverine - nice to know it 'works a treat'.<br />Cheers <img src="smile.gif" border="0">

[ 02 January 2002: Message edited by: T_Strife ]</p>
Its new year and I am sorry to hear that you are so skint. Give us ure email addy and I will post you a couple of bob by way of Giro. Fondest to family and and all.