when entering dbmg2 codes



On June the 28th the gold card i was using stopped working. I was given the July codes and when i entered them in they did not work.

However on the 8th July when i tried to enter them this time it come up Invalid Parental Code and then it began to work.

Why did this message not come up the first time it just kept allowing me to enter them and never coming up invalid pareental code.

Is there a certain time when you should enter the codes. I know the August codes are out now do i enter them whilst mine is still working or should i allow it to stop working first.

Please Help, Thanks in advance
I A;ways find the if you go to a FTA channel like BBC1 and then put the box on standby, then turn it back on to BBC1... then enter the code it will always ask you to change the parental code instead of entering a new one.
Full instructions for entering DBMG2 codes here;


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