What games are you looking forward to in 2007


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Jun 14, 2005
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Dumbarton or Wellingborough
for me it has to be

Crysis [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8fKA6C9JrQ[/ame]


Frontlines fuel of war [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6Fo9PZqaL0[/ame]

both look sweet

frontlines is apparently the new bf2
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deffo crysis m8 and .....omfg ut 2007 whhhhoooohhhhoooooo
Crysis for the pc and alan wake and GTA for the xbox 360 :)

Explosivo m8 you have both crysis videos for both games m8,wanna see what this frontline looks like :)
Cheers m8 and DAMN that games look good :)
Cell Factor
Halo 3
Final Fantasy 12/13
Supreme Commander
Command and Conqure 3
Quake Wars
Natural Selection 2 (hopefully)

: multi :
erm...sure theres more, but thats what I can think of atm :Drool: :Jester:
ArmA or armed assault :)

its gonna be awesome, specialy if u enjoyed OF
Try world of warcraft the burning crusade.


over 9million players cant be wrong. there is a warning with this game that it is the most adictive game ever released.
pro evolution soccer 7 , has to be good all the rest have been great

by the way, i know that your either love or hate fifa, but fifa 2007 in my opinion is a great game, especially if youve got a pretty high end computer so that you can turn the in game graphics up full, looks VERY VERY nice, best lookin football game out, some people say they prefer the playability of pro evo but i hate pro evo and prefer fifa, anyway, this aint a debate about fifa and pro evo.

One of the other great features of fifa 2007 is the latest team transfers update, the january team update patch was released by EA a couple of weeks ago :), and we also get the summer team transfers too :), excellent......OH, and the transfers are there saved in the online multiplayer games too, iam well happy.

hope that helps.

EDIT :> sorry, i just noticed the title of this thread "what games are ya looking forward to in 2007", fifa 2007 is already released, anyways, good game just the same, ohh, and its the pc version i have, i dont know anything about the game on other formats.
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unreal tournament 2007 and warhammer online
quake wars has been put back to july for release i read somwhere longest pre order ive ever had lol