Well what a week!


DW Regular +
Aug 30, 2010
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Well what a week, mixed emotions? That’s an understatement, it started early January, my wife’s grandfather felt unwell, went to the doctors etc…etc…. nothing was done was given tablets for a bad back. He got worse and it turned out he had prostate cancer, In October me and my wife had our first child, The wife’s grandfather saw a lot of my little lad, we lived next door to him and his wife for two years but moved on in Jan, the man was very active, always taking our dog out for walks, did a lot for us both, I can’t believe how quick he deteriated, We decided to get my little lad christened so organisation went ahead. At this point it was unknown that the wife’s grandfather had prostate cancer, so as you can image, venue booked for christening, food organised invites sent, godparents asked, hugs given etc... Etc… Tuesday 1st may The wife’s grandfather dies at 9 in the morning, (RIP Dave). The Christening was happening the following Sunday 6th, This is the first death my wife’s side of the family have had within immediate family, was horrible, We discussed cancelling the christening but decided against it as my wife said all her grandfather could talk about before he dies was our little boy (lump to the throat). So we decided to go ahead, after all the tears and hugs of grief and upset came all the happiness and hugs of joy on Sunday for my little lads special day, We decided to give our little lad his great granddads name as a middle name to make it a bit more special, This has turned certain family members noses but how am I meant to say no to my wife after what has happened and how hard she has worked towards the christening. The day was brilliant everyone enjoyed themselves. Now back to grieving with the funeral this Thursday. My wife has been rock solid through this and has always kept her chin up. Thought I would share. It’s been a tough week; I hope the rest of the year works out better.
Sorry to hear that mate,hope things get back to normal for you soon,as for the "certain family members noses" just ignore them mate,if they can't pull together in difficult times probs not worth investing your time in them

all the best ..Tamarc
Very sorry to hear that and condolences to your wife and family :( It's a cruel disease mate and the bane of generations of my family. Although it'll probably be of no comfort to anyone, the fact he passed on relatively quickly meant he didn't suffer a prolonged ordeal which take my word for it, is a far worse experience he was fortunate not to endure.

Well done to you and your wife for letting his name live on with your child. It's a commendable thing to do and bollocks to anyone who may disagree. It was your decision to make so good for you.

I hope the happiness of your baby can bring some comfort to your wife and her family while they grieve.
Previous posts said it all, I can only add my condolences. The missus may need a bit of extra support but I'm sure you know that.
Sorry for your loss Friendzi.

My condolences to you and your wife .
My condolences to you and the whole family and i wish you all luck and good health for the future, but congrats on the christening of your little one. We had our little boy christened on Easter Sunday so know the joys of it all.
