Warqi Samosa


VIP Member (Resident chef)
Oct 8, 2010
Reaction score
The lost land..
Warqi Samosas are popular for their phyllo edges that gives a look of papers. You can stuff the samosas with some other filling if you like.

Serve 4


Flour 1 cup heaped
Salt ¼ tsp
Water to knead as required
For Filling:
Onion 2 large (chopped)
Eggs 3
Green chilies 6 (chopped)
Coriander leaves 1 tbsp
Salt ½ tsp
Turmeric ¼ tsp heaped
Clarified butter as required
Oil 3 tbsp


For Filling: Heat oil and fry onion for 5 minutes.

Add green chilies, salt and turmeric with beaten eggs.
Stir fry well till done.
Now add chopped coriander leaves, mix and remove.

Method for Dough: Add salt to flour and knead with water into a medium dough.

Cover and leave it for 30 minutes.
Then form into 10 small balls.
Roll 5 balls into a saucer size, spread one with melted clarified butter.
Cover with another go on doing till all 5 have been put on top of each other.
Cover and leave it for 30 minutes.
Then roll out by sprinkling very little flour into a large round dinner plate sized bread.
Roll very lightly, cut in four portions.
Apply a little water on the edges of each piece.
Put little filling in between and press down near the filling.
Do not press the edges.
Slightly heat oil in a wok.
It should not be hot, deep fry the samosa on very low flame on both the sides splashing with oil.
Fry till light golden and serve hot