Warm up exercises


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Dec 29, 2007
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what warm up exercises should you perform prior to training ?
what warm up exercises should you perform prior to training ?

I personally do a lot of stretching then 20mins jogging on the treadmill to get my heart rate up. Most muscle injuries are caused by jumping right onto weights.

For example I used to get pain in my lower back after my 20min run and found out that this is caused by not stretching my hamstrings before hand.

PS: Its just as important to stretch after your workout too!
thanks, I usually do about 10 minutes of stretching and 10 min on X trainer, rower or bike. Yesterday while I was stretching I got tightness at the back of the knee and I couldn't straighten my leg. I tried a few exercises to loosen it but it didn't, so left and came home as I didn't want to risk a bad injury. I went to the gym today and managed to do a couple of classes, although I had a bit of tightness it was nowhere as bad. I've always warmed up prior to exercise and I've not had problems before, I was just wondering if I've been doing wrong warm ups and if their are any better ones to try.
6-12 T-bar press ups with very light dumb bells.

Using the same weights, do 6-12 lunges with a shoulder press combined into one motion.

Using one of the light dumb bells, do 6-12 lunges on each leg combines with an axe chopping motion (holding the bumb bell with both hands and chopping down and twisting your torso at the same time).

Then do 6-12 clean and jerks with a bar bell with no weights on.

No resting, do one right after the other - rest for 5 mins and then do your workout.

Bang, and the dirt is gone.
6-12 T-bar press ups with very light dumb bells.

Using the same weights, do 6-12 lunges with a shoulder press combined into one motion.

Using one of the light dumb bells, do 6-12 lunges on each leg combines with an axe chopping motion (holding the bumb bell with both hands and chopping down and twisting your torso at the same time).

Then do 6-12 clean and jerks with a bar bell with no weights on.

No resting, do one right after the other - rest for 5 mins and then do your workout.

Bang, and the dirt is gone.

Thanks, is this warm up for weight training workout, as I don't see any cardio or stretching in your warm. I'm always a little reluctant to use weights in the warm, even though you do mention the use of light weights. Do you think I'm being over cautious.
I suppose it is a good workout for someone who is going to do a full body workout. The purpose is to get the blood pumping a bit and to activate the central nervous system. For example, you see footballers doing more stretches than anything before a game becasue that fits their purpose.

Stretches are great and if you have the time or feel you need to then you should do them. Stretches are very beneficial anyway, not just for warmups - I'm into Yoga and that sort of thing.

Just there are only so many hours in the day, so I think you have some good suggestions use as a guideline and test out, see what works for you,
I suppose it is a good workout for someone who is going to do a full body workout. The purpose is to get the blood pumping a bit and to activate the central nervous system. For example, you see footballers doing more stretches than anything before a game becasue that fits their purpose.

Stretches are great and if you have the time or feel you need to then you should do them. Stretches are very beneficial anyway, not just for warmups - I'm into Yoga and that sort of thing.

Just there are only so many hours in the day, so I think you have some good suggestions use as a guideline and test out, see what works for you,

Thanks. The reason I'm asking is in the last week including tonight while doing warm ups I've developed tightness behind my left knee and I'm getting a little concerned that maybe something is missing in my warm up routine. I managed to do some training tonight, altough not at normal pace I just feel if I don't get to bottom of what's causing this I might get a more serious injury.
while doing warm ups I've developed tightness behind my left knee...

Could be tight hams & calves. What do you do for a living? Don't worry I'm not asking because I'm nosey! LOL!

If your day is spent stuck behind a desk or you're driving manual gearbox cars (and doing a lot of clutching with your left foot), then it could be your flexibility has gotten particularly bad on that side and those muscles have shortened/tightened. Try adding some hamstring and calf stretching to your routine and see if that helps? Post back and let us know.

Going forward, remember NEVER to stretch COLD muscles! At least not with STATIC stretches where you are holding, pulling and tugging on the muscles.

Your 'warm up' stretches should be dynamic. Focus on getting blood into your muscles and raising your body temperature.

Save any Jean Claude Van Damme 'KickBoxer' style intense static stretches for the end of your session when your muscles are full of blood and your joints are lubricated.

Hope that helps a bit?
i go 5 minute run on a treadmill and then immediately 2000m on the rower....warms up my engine nicely....lol
Could be tight hams & calves. What do you do for a living? Don't worry I'm not asking because I'm nosey! LOL!

If your day is spent stuck behind a desk or you're driving manual gearbox cars (and doing a lot of clutching with your left foot), then it could be your flexibility has gotten particularly bad on that side and those muscles have shortened/tightened. Try adding some hamstring and calf stretching to your routine and see if that helps? Post back and let us know.

Going forward, remember NEVER to stretch COLD muscles! At least not with STATIC stretches where you are holding, pulling and tugging on the muscles.

Your 'warm up' stretches should be dynamic. Focus on getting blood into your muscles and raising your body temperature.

Save any Jean Claude Van Damme 'KickBoxer' style intense static stretches for the end of your session when your muscles are full of blood and your joints are lubricated.

Hope that helps a bit?

Thanks, I'm not working at the moment as I'm a full time carer for my who had a stroke in March. I drive an automatic. I think you might have something in your comments, I used to do martial arts and have done static stretching most of the time, this is why I think I may need to change my warm up routine. I don't like to jump on a cardio machine to warm up as I don't think that's a good idea.Do you have any specific dynamic stretching exercises I can try.
Try these mate - this guy Jay trains a lot of Hollywood actors, musicians and pro athletes and everytime I've checked out his articles and videos, he's always talking good sense...

MySpace Video - Jay Cardiello's Video Channel & Video Clips

Thanks I tried the exercise in the video and I seemed to feel warm quicker than normal. I'm going to investigate further into dynamic warm ups and device a routine to follow. Now that it's getting colder it makes sense to warm up properly to avoid unnecessary injuries.