WANTED!!! Cccam crash course

no offence taken
here is example of MY F lines using those brackets
F: BOD10 EDF85GH 5 0 0 { 0:0:1 }

I have just posted some pdf's i used back in the day, has some good basic info for getting your head round everything.

(not directed at you lot in this thread, before you think am taking the piss)


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cheers for all the help peeps, its working, but to me, seems a VERY overly complicated thing for something that works so simply, and not very secure unless you go totally over the top with security
its working for now, and is only a temp thing

but a big thanks to all involved

i dont want to sound like a bad un m8 i found it quite easy to setup ive just changed over from gbox and my cccam.cfg is not even one page long with c & f lines if you install 2.1.1 all you really need to do is add a cfg and perhaps the ignore, ident type files its loads easier than gbox if your thinking about make it a urm... permanent thing :) if you do give me a shout i may have a app or 2 that will come in handy.
Hi I am a newbi and have a question do i need to have the numbers after user pass

ex:F: user password 3 1 0 { 0:0:5 }

If i remove the numbers does it mean that it have no restictions?

And the same question for the server.

C: ip/dyndns_server port user password yes { 0:0:5 }

Thank you for your time