Vu+ solo2 not working


Inactive User
Oct 7, 2014
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Dear friends, my vu+ solo2 clone was not working and i already posted here the symptoms in another thread. Only light sensitive switch light up and Ethernet yellow light. Other than this no any other functions.
I thought it is bricked and got new flash chip imported from china and fixed by an expert. unfortunately still same results. I feel processor area is heating up more than it should. I changed power supply and same again.What is there to be done more? may be some error in mainboard, regarding power?
Can somebody give me any suggestion?
It could be any number of reasons from bad flash nand chip, soldered incorrectly/badly or mainboard damaged from soldering.

Can you post a good quality pic of nand flash chip area?
Thanks ketmp. I will upload one. This problem was the main reason i got flash changed. original was Samsing and what they sent me was Toshiba. They assured ma they ate both identical in function.
Sounds like it was bricked and the new flash chip may not be seated or soldered correctly. As ketmp has stated post some close up in focus pics of the flash chip and legs.
Out of curisoity can a bricked box be fixed at all? Or is it not worth the hassle.

I suspect mines bricked as its just not doing anything anymore, I upgraded using the update tool and a com port. Upgraded to a backup image I had which works find on my solo2 se and now its just a blank screen.

Do you guys need to see pics of the chips to tell if it can be fixed?
It was already bricked wasn't it (ie no response except for ethernet and dim power light) before you had nand flash chip replaced.

I read on this forum that someone had theirs changed and it was still dead but then got someone else to refit the nand flash and it worked then.

It maybe obvious from a good pic of flash chip (and it's soldered points) to see if any two silver pins from the motherboard are actually connecting to each other by solder when trying to solder the nand flash chip on. It's not an easy job I believe compared to soldering most other things.
chip.jpgThanks all friends for trying to help. here is close shot of flash area after new chip installed. I am expecting your ideas.
As you look at the picture, the top right looks like (at least from picture) that there maybe some pins touching each other.

The others, at least to me, look fine.