Vu+duo2 Problem recording in standby


Inactive User
Oct 13, 2014
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I have a vu+duo2 triple tuner, running blackhole 2.1.6 and running CCcam 2.3.0.
If I record while watching another channel all is fine. I can watch a sky channel and record 2 other sky channels at the same time and all is fine.
If I put the box in standby at night and set to record FTA channels during the night all is ok, but if I set the box to record sky channels during the night nothing records, I just get a black screen. It's like the CCcam has gone into standby and is not waking up.
has anyone any ideas ? Have I missed something while setting the box up ?
is your cccam on autostart and are you losing power to your router/homeplug when in standby mode?
CCcam is set as default. I didn't think of the homeplug. Maybe that's the problem going into standby ? But I'd think the box coming out of standby should of woke up the plug.
problem solved. My other half had plugged the homeplug into a socket that powered down when the TV was switched off. A quick socket move and all is well again.
Thanks for your help