Vegetable Calzoni


VIP Member (Resident chef)
Oct 8, 2010
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The lost land..
Calzoni.............. anyone know this recipe?.. May be, few have test it, and appreciate the recipe, due there's many way to make calzoni, with vegetable or sausage and mozzarella cheese.. today we will make the vegetable recipe, easy and very tasty.

Serve 4


500 g bread dough
1 bunch green onions
200 g black olives
2 tablespoons salted capers
extra virgin olive oil
black pepper


Clean, peel and cut lengthwise in half the spring onions.
Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a saucepan together with 2 tablespoons water, add the onions, then add salt and cook over low heat for about 5 minutes.
Meanwhile, pitted olives, capers and rinse thoroughly in cold running water to remove their salt, squeeze them well.
United olives and capers to the onion,salt, pepper, stir to taste everything, turn off the heat and let cool.
Roll out bread dough on lightly floured work surface, resulting in a long, thin rectangular sheet.
Spread the prepared stuffing the piles along the edge of one side of the rectangle, spaced approximately 10 cm.
Fold over the other half of dough, press it by hands to the sides of the piles to enclose the filling well and cut small crescent-shaped trousers with wide toothed wheel.
Place the trousers on the plate greased with oil and cook in preheated oven at 170 ° C for about 30 minutes. Serve hot or cold as desired.