USA Xbox 360 - Who wants one!!


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VIP Member
Hi fella's. New console section so it would be rude for me not to drop in.

My mate is going to the USofA a week sunday, purely to get some Xbox 360's as they are all sold out on pre-orders in the UK.

Dont ask me for a price just yet as i'm not sure until he is out there, but they will be shipped direct from the states.

Anyone interested PM me.
The XBOX 360 has more protection than any other console but they have been good enough to tell hackers this so I'll wait to the race has been won and its been hacked
*Cough* its already done *cough*...

I cant give anymore info at the moment but trust me, ask other members I know my stuff. It will be a while before its released with the new laws etc....
Goldberg said:
*Cough* its already done *cough*...
I cant give anymore info at the moment but trust me, ask other members I know my stuff. It will be a while before its released with the new laws etc....

yes of course it has what is it you said in the email

lol too many questions......

It just is, thats all people need to know because it's all I know.

I asked you one simple question not lots because you said,

For those of you who are seriously interested, my MSN is [email protected]

We can chat on there.

Like I said in my reply you have answered what I already knew its not been hacked yet
Sorry for the blunt reply ship, I prefer to get them via PM as it is more secure.

It HAS been done by a team out there on the scene already.

You aksed HOW can it be done when they are not released yet?

Simple... How do they make games for them before they are released.

Put 2 & 2 together........

Anyway Thats all I know...

As for the Ebay ones, be careful! 90% will be legit, but read the descriptions carefully. Some are scams, others are selling Xbox360 Box. Yes they are selling the BOX only..... perfectly legal what they are doing, but silly people dont always read the description!!

I will have some USA ones on Ebay next week. For a better deal though PM me after release date (22nd)
Shipoftheline said:
>From: [email protected]
>To: [email protected]
>Subject: Re: XBOX360
>Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2005 06:45:32 -0500
>Thats not what you said on that thread but you have answered my question anyway if this had been hacked the news would be out to people in the scene and I admin of the scene boards you just keep imaging its been hacked though ;)

No problem, i'll keep imagining........ after all your ADMIN from THE scene boards.... I forgot that they know all.....
yep i have to agree with dutcho ive spoken to goldy for many years now he knows his stuff, if he said its hacked then it is!
good news about the 360, still gonna wait till the 1st price drop to buy one though. too many consoles precious little time
Goldberg said:
No problem, i'll keep imagining........ after all your ADMIN from THE scene boards.... I forgot that they know all.....
yes and only you know about this you should be a millionaire very soon cracking all that hardware protection which would need a dedicated hack for each individual unit nice work ;)

Just one more thing Goldberg. Why tell people on this board to contact you if they need to know more and then politely tell them to go away for asking !
shipoftheline.... just because you have heard of no hack does not mean that their isnt one out their. dont give someone a bad name on these boards because it is not well liked. even if you have senior member written under your name, to a lot of us your are still a newbie. a lot of us have been here since the start and all we try to do is help and give advice to whats going on.

if u look up one of the main xbox chippers sites you will see that they got hold of an xbox360 ages ago and have installed a chip on shows pictures of it installed. it has already been published widely by many news sites, xbox 360 chipping or modification on google and you will find loads on it.

i personally can vouch for goldy as i bought my first xbox off him, and have had many others from him for friends.
p.s. couldnt get hold of goldy earlier to let him know

but if you do order from the states

breakdown of charges should be like this

done from shipping from new york

shipping approx £10
clearance charge £15
holding account transfer £4 ( this is the charge a courier company makes for paying the duty due on item
vat £0 tell the broker you want it classed as software / console games machine will put the code up for everyone when i find it again
duty approx £30 depending on what you paid for it ( i classed it as $279)

pps shipoftheline i know this because i own an airfreight company and thats what i do.
if one of these is bought in the states how do we know it will work in the uk ? what do we need to look for as im off to the states next friday and may treat myself to one
buckthehero said:
shipoftheline.... just because you have heard of no hack does not mean that their isnt one out their. .

I agree but too tell everyone that their is a hack then tell people to msn him if they want to know more and reply with

It just is, thats all people need to know because it's all I know
well need I say more lol
No-one is going to tell the PUBLIC how to chip them yet. It HAS been done. Wether it will work for all games is a different story. But the main OS security has been opened and tweaked. I am sure some spotty little kid will sort out some fixes for games when they start encrypting them but for now the 15 or so titles due for release with the Xbox 360 will be playable. As will multi-region DVD's :)

Time will tell. I'd personally rather be at the front of the queue. But some people don't like to Beta test mod chips, in case something goes wrong with it. Off the subject I remember so many people swearing cable couldn't be hacked and it was all a scam. Hmm guess what, I've had it for two years now and they have only just twigged. Chances are it will be gone before they get the full benefits. Like I said, you gotta take a risk to be at the front or get left behind and forever be playing catch up!!
not being funny iv got one on the 2nd Dec and even if there was a mod chip that works i would not use it, until i have got lots of feed back on it im not spending the best part of £300 to test something out in it

i used to chip the 1st xbox so its not like im a noob but i would tell anyone to wait atleast a year before getting it done or the price to drop alot :)
at the moment for all we know there could be a simple way of playing backups without a modchip. They've been working so hard to prevent it something really simple could turn up.

Remember Sega they worked so hard on that Dreamcast put in a 1gb drive thinking safe as house's and all we did was connect it to the pc backup and then play the game on a normal cd lol

The ? is when not will it be done. Im 100% guaranteed it wont be long after release date. Many clever people out there. All i hope that its not to technical with solder here there and everywhere.

Wouldnt like to mess up a 360 on 1st try of chipping :(