Unable to modify PBM using MKFv4.1



Can anyone please help? I'm trying to modify the PBM on my Kevlar card so that I can remove the adult channels I'm using an Elvis programmer and MKFv4.1.

When I click on the modify PBM button I get an error message saying "The instruction cannot be processed without the correct system key", can anyone tell me where I get this from and where I have to enter the key? Many thanks.
i use pbm calc 2 to change my pbm but if you remove the adult channels i think you will also lose the on-request channels also
Actually if you remove adult you don't remove ppv. The problem is there is an adult ppv, and to remove that you have to remove I*VR*qu*st.

Use pbmCalc to choose channels and then create the hex files. You use these to reprogram your card.

I believe you are supposed to be able to alter the pbm using the remote with kevlar (this is why extra codes have to be entered to switch on I*V sports after a rem update)

Thanks Nix, I've managed to do it using the PBM Calc. <img src="wink.gif" border="0">