TV Tuner card

Nae luck with your transmitter location. I get mine from Blackhill and all 6 channels come in really well.

For the Tevion card I am using an old indoor aerial that I got from Argos years ago and for my telly I can get a great picture with an old wire coat hanger stuck onto the end of a 2 metre length of co-axial cable.
The funny thing is with the coat-hanger the better the weather then the poorer the picture.

No need to worry though because this is Glasgow and it pisses doon here even more than it does in Manchester so reception is almost guaranteed.: party :
nice one

nice one fast eddie (just got up off the floor) cant stop laffin at your last post m8, well keep your money in your pocket m8, I think at last count i had
32 channels up and runnin, got your name right this time m8.
your a tonic m8 ha ha ha ha.
My mistake, when I said 6 channels I meant the 6 Multiplexors or whatever they are.

In total I get 89 channels but a lot of them are radio.

Even worse...............some of them are shopping channels.
hi everyone,I have had this card fitted to my medion computer and used it with showshifter but my trial has expired and the problem with the Kworld software is when setting a recording I have to set power off schedule for the reocrding to work. which then means that if I want to use my computer it wipes out the schedule and I have to reprogam the timer. has anyone got a copy of showshifter dvb or a hack to bypass the trial has expired.I have tried looking on limewire but they are all full of viruses. this is only my backup recorder for when I have too record 2 programmes so I dont realy want buy showshifter dvb I have showshifter 2 as free software but cant get the dvb version
any help appreciated. my main recording is by replay box

edogg said:
hi everyone,I have had this card fitted to my medion computer and used it with showshifter but my trial has expired and the problem with the Kworld software is when setting a recording I have to set power off schedule for the reocrding to work. which then means that if I want to use my computer it wipes out the schedule and I have to reprogam the timer. has anyone got a copy of showshifter dvb or a hack to bypass the trial has expired.I have tried looking on limewire but they are all full of viruses. this is only my backup recorder for when I have too record 2 programmes so I dont realy want buy showshifter dvb I have showshifter 2 as free software but cant get the dvb version
any help appreciated. my main recording is by replay box


Sorry mate, I can't help. I am pretty new to all this and am just experimenting with it in order to familiarise myself with the do's and can't do's.