TV quiz programmes rant


Inactive User
Jul 11, 2001
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You have probably all seen them whilst flicking through the rubbish looking for something vaguely interesting.
The ones which have a 'simple' problem to solve,
eg 13 + 6 x eleven minus 3. count the numbers.
Or they have a word, then a blank. eg, house _ _ _ _ , and expect folk to phone in with the answer.
Every phone call costs a couple of quid, whether you get through or not.

Its feckin criminal. They are relying on the poorest and least intelligent of our society to phone up thinking that they will win because the answer is so easy.
Isnt that some sort of victimisation.

I watched one of them for half an hour the other day, just to see how many idiots were taking part in this scam. Some people phoned in three times.
' whos on the line ' ...... ' Its me, Jean again'. 'Is the answer .. number'.
'Good answer ..but its not there, try again Jean'.

I can just imagine some dozy person with a big electric bill to pay, thinking that one 2quid phone call will solve their problems.
Its pathetic to exploit vulnerable people in this way.

I think it should be outlawed
the guy who lives beneath me.....or should i say did...(he died 2 weeks ago) was teling me last month, how he has run up almost £400 quid phone bill on this program and still never got through.
there is a member from here ( same area as me, know him quite well now ) who take part each and every night. bill is huge but he ave won 300 , 400, woteva quite a few times..
I have won lots from these channels , and its never cost me a penny as I always use the free web entry method , and yes it does work .
timekeeper said:
I have won lots from these channels , and its never cost me a penny as I always use the free web entry method , and yes it does work .

I dont beleive you prove it by sending me half your winnings :Cheers:
Paul-K said:
I dont beleive you prove it by sending me half your winnings :Cheers:

Yeah....I don't believe you either, you best send me the other
tina said:
Yeah....I don't believe you either, you best send me the other

Would love to but it all went on a months holiday touring across America , and alot went into the slots in vegas lol .
I agree with you Allroad - it's another trap for vunerable people.
They do seems to choose the most drunken people on the late night 'quiz'... you can almost feel the presenter's fear of what the next 'contestant' is going to say to them...
I'm sure the free web entries never work. Its just a way to make the person ring in because the web entry is unsuccessful
I've heard the right answers from people and because they think no-one is watching they say 'no it's not there!' W*nkers IMO
lol i was stupid i know but i spent £70 trying to get through one night because alot of people were phoning in with the same answers by the time i stopped someone phoned in with my answer and won the big prize i hear alot of pi**ed off people phoning in saying they tried to get through 30 times and the presenters try to blag there way through it! not worth it imo unless you're already rich!! this should go in the scams section...since it is legal robbery
i tried web entry to one of the channels one night , had 5 attempts before it said 'Try again tommorow '

its just one stupid pathetic con , i think they let paople exhaust most answers on these channels before ,say ,after an hour of guesses they plump for the next unique one

crazy the way they string it out & people are still dumb enough to keep at it
wullie_b said:
I just watch Pop the Q on TMF for one reason: Hannah Peckham (the presenter) :D

That statement is useless without picutres of Miss Peckham ;)