Tut Required


Inactive User
Dec 17, 2005
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Hi all,

bought mi self a new ps2, Just like to know if there is a tut available on how to modify it so that i can play copied games.

HDD is probably the easiest, but has the highest inital purchase (a USB hard disc plus the software) and some games won't work with this method. Search for 'PS2 Hard disc backup' on Google (I, and others here, use USBeXtreme). [EDIT]As luck would have it Rat has just posted a 300Gig USB2 HDD in the bargin room: http://www.world-of-digital.com/forums/showthread.php?t=66703[/EDIT]

Lowest inital purchase is the swap disk and slide tool method. You'll need a supply of good brand blank DVDs, a DVD burner and practice swapping the discs. Google 'swap magic 3', you'll probably need the 'magic tool pro' (the webiste should direct you as to the one you do need). Note: its cheaper to buy them together. I think the newer PS2s might need opening, this will void your warranty.

In between the cost of the two above (provided it goes right) is the mod chip route. You won't need to worry about swapping the disc at the correct time as the PS2 'boots' from the chip, but you will still need a DVD burner and good brand DVDs. Installing a mod chip will void your warranty and you run the risk of killing your PS2. Plus, in the UK, it is illegal to install a mod chip in any console.
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