Trying to remember a series name


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VIP Member
Aug 2, 2007
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Some while ago I watched a good 6-8 part Netflix or Amazon job (on dodgey box) the story was back and forth intertwining story about drugs, mafia, the bent cops to the main exporters at the top.
It keeps going back and forth highlighting all the aspects of drug tracking
Can I remember what it was called ??
Wasn't Narcos, thanks, this one was also really well made and it's like 3 stories in one bouncing to and fro from one to another from corrupt cops and gangs to the mastermind shipping rich familes then you peice it all together.

The first scene is a mafia leader old guy hiding in a mountain underground bunker with CCTV if that rings a bell.
They e only as far as I'm aware made one series either 6 or 8 parts
Can be abit like were they going with this but it all pans out in the end
The producer’s also made the show
Just finished Griselda over the weekend. I'll give this a watch, thanks!