Trouble Breathing-Volcano


Inactive User
Jan 28, 2007
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Anybody having trouble with there breathing since the Icelandic volcano erupted.I live in South London and when I went out this morning i noticed my car covered in dust.And when my Daughter got up she could hardly breath ,Ihave phoned the Docter and i am waitng for him to call back.
Anybody having trouble with there breathing since the Icelandic volcano erupted.I live in South London and when I went out this morning i noticed my car covered in dust.And when my Daughter got up she could hardly breath ,Ihave phoned the Docter and i am waitng for him to call back.

Yes i have been a bit wheezy since Friday m8 and i have also noticed a bit of dust on the cars
Noticed a layer of dust on my car yesterday, nothing today though as it's raining.
yep my asthma is playing up more than usual could be pollen though.
Come to think of it, I do feel a little nasal congestion, but I put it down to hayfever, however I don't think it is as I don't normally have hayfever symptoms until mid-late summer.
Yea been having to use my pumps now, not needed them since November.

in S/E London and have had quite a layer of dust on car, a kind of yellow/brown colour
I've been wheezing all weekend. Had to take extra inhaler.

I have quite bad hayfever, and dust really sets it off. No wonder i was sneezing like a maniac friday, when i took a stroll outside :/
working i London all week . nothing wrong with breathing just big dent in wallet !! . hope shes ok fella !
Im in London and nothing here. Was just a nice day.

I reckon its just mother natures way of sticking two fingers up at mankind and saying for all your arrogance and technology and everything you have, all it takes is one breath from earth and we are all crippled. It aint even a big volcano its a tiny one.
Im in London and nothing here. Was just a nice day.

I reckon its just mother natures way of sticking two fingers up at mankind and saying for all your arrogance and technology and everything you have, all it takes is one breath from earth and we are all crippled. It aint even a big volcano its a tiny one.

I wonder if the conspiracy theorists have started yet...? :Fish:
I wonder if the conspiracy theorists have started yet...? :Fish:

Well one question was raised yesterday " Will the government bail out struggling airlines? "

Yeah for Britain soon to be the proud owners of an Airline as well as debt ridden banks :)
I suffer from C.O.P.D and my chest has been really bad for 3 days now, I'm taking more of my inhalers, I was supposed to start a course today and couldn't make it due to my wheezing.
you would think that if there is less aviation fuel being burned whilst flying, and evaporated on landing, the air condition in general would be improving.........
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