TomTom6 on the Navman ICN 500 series



Hi all, I recently baught a Navman ICN520, and found some info on modifying it from a couple of other forums, so I've lifted it an posted it here. I'm also going to copy the images off, "My Flash Disk" & "Storage Card", which will basically enable a Navman ICN520 to run as a Pocket PC, with Tomtom Navigator 6 & MP3 player, but theirs loads of other apps out there, I just haven't had to time to find out what everything is and does yet. For all other Navman models you will need to follow the tut. You'll also need to download Windows Active Sync, to connect to your ICN.

Unlocking Navman 500 series PRZ24 Method

dmart123 of NavmanUnlocked said:
Installation of Prz24 unlock using downloaded from gpspassion ICN5xx unlock forum.

Note: Installation differs with the presence or not of an SD card.

1. Find the directory containing NavcarCE.exe (SmartST_CE.exe on 550):
For 510:\My Flash Disk\Backup\Ficino
For 520:\My Flash Disk\Backup\Shackleton
For 530:\My Flash Disk\Navman\Lightning
For 550:\cf disk\navman\Socrates

2. Rename original NavcarCE.exe /SmartST_CE.exe file to NavcarC1.exe

3. In this directory (where original NavcarCE.exe/SmartST_CE.exe was located) place a copy of Prz24 replacement NavcarCE.exe (from (for 550 rename to SmartST_CE.exe).

4a.If you have an SD card - on the sd card, create three folders :
\Storage Card\Start
\Storage Card\Startup
\Storage Card\Program Files (for 550 program folder needs to go in the root of CF DISK)

4b. IF NO Storage Card the Start and Startup folders must be created in the directory where NavcarCE.exe and NavcarC1.exe are located:
For 510:\My Flash Disk\Backup\Ficino\Start
For 510:\My Flash Disk\Backup\Ficino\Startup
For 520:\My Flash Disk\Backup\Shackleton\Start
For 520:\My Flash Disk\Backup\Shackleton\Startup
For 530:\My Flash Disk\Navman\Lightning\Start
For 530:\My Flash Disk\Navman\Lightning\Startup
For 550:\cf disk\navman\Socrates\Start
For 550:\cf disk\navman\Socrates\Startup

5. Copy Prz24 'Taskbar.exe' from to program folder, make a new shortcut to Taskbar.exe, rename it 'Taskbar.lnk' and place it in the 'Startup' directory.

6. Make a shortcut to 'Navcarc1.exe' (created in Step 2), rename the shortcut e.g. Navman GPS and move it to the 'Start' folder

7. Install your applications in 'Storage Card\Program Files' folder, make new shortcuts for each, and copy them to the 'Storage Card\Start' folder'
!!! Be carefull : don't copy someone elses shortcuts, make your own.
Disconnect your ICN and hard reset it. Set time. All done!

To restore back to standard Navman setup, simply delete the prz24 modded NavcarCE.exe, and rename NavcarC1.exe back to NavcarCE.exe (or SmartST_CE.exe for 550).

Here's a link to a video tut on You Tube. [ame][/ame]

I've uploaded Navman included within is

Regards (Navman
Here is a Safer method of modding the ICN510/520

Admin of NavmanUnlocked said:
Aleksandar PocketPC.exe Registry Hack


.........The menu says iCN510, but this works on the iCN520 just as well
This is the safest way of unlocking a Navman.
Should you make a mess of things a hard reset will return the Navman back to its original state.
You're presented with a nice push button boot screen.
Takes a 3MB chunk out of your limited 32MB RAM.
Does not survive a hard reset.
A PC and remote registry-editing software are required to unlock the Navman after every hard reset.
Other requirements include the installation of .Net framework and PocketPC.exe on the Navman.
The options on the boot menu screen cannot be edited.


Active Sync

Aleksandar's Hack



Mobile Registry Editor

Registry Workshop is included in Aleksandar's zip file. A lot of people (me included) have difficulties running this application on their systems, as it has a tendency to crash when you try to connect to the Navman. For this reason I have supplied a link to Mobile Registry Editor. It is up to you as to which application you use.

Installation pt1

Download and install the latest version of ActiveSync on WindowsXP.
When Jandric's has been unzipped, a new folder called [navman] will appear on your PC.
Attach your Navman iCN device to your computer via the USB cable and turn it on.
Start Navmanicn510.exe within the [navman] folder on your PC.



Install this hack into the default location on your Navman iCN device.
Copy the file PocketPC.exe across to the [Windows] folder on your Navman iCN device.


Editing the Navman's registry


With the Navman still connected to your PC,
start Mobile Registry Editor or Registry Workshop
and change the value in the Launch80 key to PocketPC.exe
within the Navman iCN's registry file.

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Here's some apps for your Navman. I haven't tried most of them yet so any feedback is welcome.

Admin of NavmanUnlocked said:
Ultra-small keyboard application. Brilliant and less than 4K. Reload it to close it.

On-Schedule v6
Contact manager and so much more. On-Schedule is an Outlook Mobile clone that's ten times better than the real thing. Synchronizes the Navman with Office Outlook data, and allows you to connect to the internet to read your emails. Download the Windows CE 4.x version.

SOTI Pocket Controller-Professional
View and control your Navman from your desktop, using your desktop screen, keyboard and mouse. Enter data at high speed using your desktop keyboard. Macro Recording/Playback, record keystrokes and mouse events to a macro file that can be played back.

Calligrapher 6.6
Natural handwriting recognition software that supports all handwriting styles - cursive, PRINT or MIXed. In addition to handwriting recognition, CalliGrapher offers PenCommander (an easy-to-use PC navigation tool).

Shareware spreadsheet application that's miles better than Excel Mobile.

Emulates: Game Boy, NES, SNES, PC Engine.

It's like DirectX for the Navman. Makes games run faster and smoother.

Nyditot Virtual Display
Display rotator/scaler.

AE Keyboard Mapper
Allows binding external applications to Navman's hardware buttons. Can also be used to link the Navman#s hardware buttons to control Tomtom functions.
Can this be made into a sticky please?

Too much good info here to loose!
thanks m8, i have done a few of them now and sold them on fleebay, there are a few other things that need to be done so it can survive a hard reset, and it is best to run tt6 from the mem card.

this site will help any one trying to do this

Navman Unlocked
What other things m8 as it survives a hard reset using the PRZ24 method, and I am running TT6 from the mem card. I've been using Core media player with the GDI drivers, so I baught a 4gb card, to load it full of MP3's and Video clips, but it turns out the MMC is fake, when I put over 1.39gb on the card it corrupts. Seller has agreed to a refund anyway. What sort of price does a modded Navman go for?
if you use tomtom 6.0 then its ok but when i have put tt6.02 on i have had to still do a reg edit and reg edits dont survive a hard reset look here this is all so the fix for the no map erra..

there is a small program called tree reg edit or something like that and you can install it to the mem card so you can save your reg edits and re inport them if you need to

as far as i no the biggist card that works ok with out corrupting the data is 2 gig

personaly i would use a sd card just for the tomtom at just the size you need than use another one for your mp3

the navs i have had cost me 50 to 60 pounds and i have sold them for around 120

i have lots of programs and the things you need to do this if you need any pm me and i will up them some where

but i am going to spain tomorrow for 2 weeks so i will have to up them after that....
Cheers m8, I'm in no rush but if you could giv me some good interesting apps I would be greatfull.


PS the card corrupts on the PC before it even touches the Navman. I found quite a bit of info on fake 4gb/8gb USB sticks and SD cards using Google, apparently somewere in Asia their reprogramming 1gb flash memory to show as 4gb/8gb on the PC, but as soon as you try to put more than the original capacity on the flash it corrupts. The file names show as squares and symbols and can't be deleted, card needs to be formatted, and as it's 4gb it needs to be formatted using FAT32, as FAT, reaches it's capabilities at 2gb.
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Just to update on the 4gb MMC. I've just baught a 4gb original SanDisk MMC and is working 100% I've got over 30 albums and 20 odd video clips on the card aswell as TT6 and various other apps and just under 1gb left spare.