TomTom Keygen tutorial.

Hey there guys. Maybe a Mod could sticky this thread and clean it so that all files are together in 1 post. The tutorials posted are very informative and Should cover any problems or queries.
Thanks for the hard work and time Diddy, still yet to buy my Nav system, been waiting on an answer for a day or so , making sure I get a V1 with English WinCE 5 on it but should have it by Weekend , be great to read some proper info on how things are done :)
Just got a TomTom so I will enjoy reading this. Thanks for the work.
these give the idea of how to do it. the newer allinone has slightly different information displayed
I'm having problems downloading anything at the mo! Ha still getting used to this site.
Thanks Diddy,for a new user thats helped me very much.if there is any new updates on software,cant wait to see them done in that on pal.