TM800 Fact or fiction!

He needs to explain to us why he owns one of those red body suit things!


I reckon it's part of his Barry Allen outfit. :)

I laughed so much a little bit of pee came out
Digidude is such a nerd, he turns up at Halloween parties dressed as ccCam and Skybabe is dressed as a DiSeqC switch. :)
Digidude is such a nerd, he turns up at Halloween parties dressed as ccCam and Skybabe is dressed as a DiSeqC switch. :)

me and skybabe havent dressed up together for 4 years m8, shes getting married in august

she made me choose between her and my satellite receivers, and now ive got even more of them :proud:

@ coach, ive got blue, purple (as on BGT) and red as well m8 lol
me and skybabe havent dressed up together for 4 years m8, shes getting married in august

she made me choose between her and my satellite receivers, and now ive got even more of them :proud:

@ coach, ive got blue, purple (as on BGT) and red as well m8 lol

yer some dancer mate you would have got my vote
OMG I Just Remembered They Were In Wales As Well When That Guy Was On!!! :FRIGHT: :JAWS1:
I'm off to check ITV player
they were in cardiff m8, an hour from me, and a few mins from where my kids live :)
Shattered Dreams for me
seemingly the guy in the purple Digi suit was only 17...

I really wanted it to be Digidude as well :CRYBABY:

[SIGN]Completely Off Topic Now[/SIGN]
And the TM800 saga continues lol

Due to tadays events, we have now issued refunds to all customers who placed a pre order for a TM800HD. This decision was taken, as untill the TM800HD, Eurosky had a 100% unblemished record for reliability to its customers. Upon the cancellation of the first release, at the last minute, we found ourselfs in a situation we had never been in before, we had let down our customers. To us, this was not acceptable. We were open and honest, and appreciate that most customers were happy to wait for their new receiver. Yesterday, we were told that everything was good to go. Numerous phonecalls followed, confirming that everything was still to go ahead with the release, which was confirmed to us. Receivers were packaged, labeled, and booked for collection from our dispatch center, which is a seperate premises to our main office.

Late this morning, I receive a phonecall from the dispatch center, informing me that the receivers have been stopped by technomate. I immediately made the 2 hour journey to the dispatch center to try and find out why.

After last night packaging all of the receivers ready for collection, and booking the couriers to collect them, first thing this morning the dispatch center was told that the software wasnt ready, and not a single unit is to leave.

As this is the second time this has happened, Eurosky is not prepared to have its reputation further tarnished due to another companies broken promises. We feel that as you, our customer, has paid us for a receiver, we should be able to deliver it when we say it will be delivered, and even though this is beyond our control, we are letting you down, time after time.

All customers have therefore been refunded in full, and the TM800HD receiver removed from our online shop untill it is officially released.

Once again, please accept our deepest apologies, for what we can only describe as, a disaster.
Could it be a job for adam and jamie.......
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