TM600 = Not Support!!


Member ++
Mar 29, 2008
Reaction score
Northern Ireland
I am trying to reflash my TM600 with the latest UR Image, I get the following error.

The selected file is not used for your receiver
Please select the relevant file for your receiver
TM600 = Not Support!!

I'm using the latest image from on here?
how are you trying to load the image m8? miniweb? new TM loader? ftp?


tick the password box on the new tm loader, then save then update m8
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Digidude you are the man:Clap: Also can I ask what can opens Sky? I tried NewCS and evocam but nothing happens, again probably doing something stupid
newcs 1.66 or 1.67 to read the card, then a cam of your choice to talk to newcs, mgcamd, cccam or any others that can connect to newcamd protocol servers
newcs 1.66 or 1.67 to read the card, then a cam of your choice to talk to newcs, mgcamd, cccam or any others that can connect to newcamd protocol servers

I am using Mgcamdl.31+NewCS1.67 and it clears all apart from premium channels like Sky Sports etc, How can I open these?
you need a boxkey m8

do you have the ND$ number of the original box the viewing card was activated in?

take the 10 digits of the whole serial number

random number from my head, 9F0301 0034685502 8

put these into a dec-hex calculator and convert to hex, if you only end up with 7 digits, put a zero at the front of the 7 digits, enter this into the boxkey line of newcs.xml, restart cams, and view ;)

if you want me to convert the ND$ serial PM it over m8, dont post it in public


there is a site, where you type your whole 17 digit serial number in and it gives you the full hex, call me paranoid, but i dont trust a site that wants traceable details to give you a number to use for using your card in breach of contract
i have just entered into the realm of tm600 land, i have a sky card with all sports and movies and the tm opens all channels without having to input the hex key why is it different for me?
i have just entered into the realm of tm600 land, i have a sky card with all sports and movies and the tm opens all channels without having to input the hex key why is it different for me?

you have a blue sky card with the yellow house on it m8, not the new white one ;)
I knew that :err:

lol no probs m8 ;)

the new white cards are slys answer to anti CS cards, i personally think theres going to be a big surprise in store once all of the blue cards are phased out which will need software recoding again to get them going, but at least by then the cards will be common for people to work with, i had to borrow a card from a friend a few hundred miles away to work with at first, then my first one that was my own i blew up, before finally getting it working flawlessly ;)
your not alone on that, red around other forums that people had burned them also... is there a voltage issue re card reader with the tm's?

OH and admin or mods whoever is responsible please add a " THANKS " button below every post, its great to be able to acknowledge peoples efforts with the push of a button and it keeps the threads small and neat..??

great site though.... love it here..
i blew mine on purpose though m8, to see how much abuse it could take, i couldnt risk too much with the borrowed one, but as soon as i knew its limits, i was able to play with confige etc with the knowledge of what would kill it ;)
yes m8, like i put in another thread

i kill my stuff, so you dont have to ;)