TM 8000 Twin/duo separate section

Abu Baniaz

VIP Member
VIP Member
Mar 30, 2008
Reaction score
East London
Should we have a separate section for the TM-8000 duo? Everybody seems to be posting in the 800hd section about this new box. I suppose a rant room for it may be an idea too.

We 800HD owners have enough troubles of our own!
do you mean the un released TM-TwinOE ?
new rooms / sections are generally created if / when enough members own / use whatever equipment and it wont fit into anywhere else

the tm800 does indeed have its own problems, which i would imagine could possible fill an entire forum, never mind just a sub room

maybe the tm800 sub room could be renamed to TM linux HD room, as its already a sub section of the tm linux receivers section? then people would have to prefix their threads like in the dreambox rooms, starting a topic with either [TM800] or [TWIN]

just an idea
Yes that is one.

The DM section is split up into different sub rooms. I have looked at that section, and the threads do have the name in brackets. However, I don't think that the users did them. The forum software seems to do it automatically. Once you click on the thread, the bracket section disappears from the title.

The TM linux section will continue to receive more posts. As with the DM section, it will eventually need sorting out. It is only logical to have them segregated as early as possible. It would be labprious and tedious filtering things in the future whereas it would be easy at the moment.

Perhaps sections should be. TM E2 Receivers, this could then have sub rooms for the TM 800HD, TM 8000 Twin (if this ends up being the name) as well as any future releases. I doubt that any company will make non HD receivers.
The TM linux section will continue to receive more posts. As with the DM section, it will eventually need sorting out. It is only logical to have them segregated as early as possible. It would be labprious and tedious filtering things in the future whereas it would be easy at the moment.

the receivers called the


i think itd be best to 'wait and see' tbh m8. if we made a new room or section for everything new thats 'coming soon' the forum would be full of rooms with only half a dozen posts in that never get used.

the tm800 room was created as there was such an influx of tm800 posts, that tm500/600 posts were quickly getting lost, so to save the existing 500/600 owners from having to trawl through all of the 'new unwanted' tm800 stuff in the 'tm linux' room, the tm800 sub room was created

tbh though, i will be VERY interested to see how many posts / threads get created, as over the last year, so many people on DW have said things along the lines of 'will never buy a TM product again' ' wouldnt have another TM if it was free' ' may as well delete the entire TM section as theyre going nowhere' and things like that

but since the spec has been released, there suddenly seems to be quite a 'peak' in the as yet unreleased receiver

its quite simple to 'move' existing threads into a new room if it needs to be created, ive done it many times over the years as forum software has changed, and the receivers people use have changed