

VIP Member
VIP Member
Nov 9, 2005
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In limbo!
i asked you for advice a while ago about buying some parakeets via pm and thought id post a pic and a lil vid of them now they really are amazing pets i get great pleasure watching them. Obviously they are male and female and they even have lil tiffs.You can tell by the noise they make that they are chafing at each other lol.They are messy lil buggers with there seed and stuff but it's worth it.I have to clear the orniments and pictures off the mantle before i let them out as they knock them over :).
they are absolute crackers mate btw

yesh, they do end up ruling the house don't they...lol
i had to take a very expensive shelf cabinet down from the wall as mine used to fly on top of it and then start chewing the top of it. Hollie likes to sit on top of the cupboard door in the kitchen next to me when i'm on the pc...lol thats her little seat and wot i do is, lay a sheet of news paper on the floor under it for any mess she makes. The bottom cupboard that is, not the top.....do shower them or do they bath them selfs, when i say shower them this is wot i mean...i hold hollie on my hand then wrap my thumb accross the top of her feet so she can't escape...lol hold her over the bath and spray her with warm water from a fine spray bottle,as i do it, i lft my arm up and down and this automatically makes them open their wings and then that way u can spray under their wings aswell, u need to do this as not only does it help with the dust around the house but it helps them shed the dust they occur on their bodies from their down feathers, (thsee are the white fluffy under feathers that keep them warm) as they come through they shed a fine casing that causes the white dust effect, however, most birds ur size tend to gewt in the bowl of water for their bath, but give this ago and see how they like it. I bet ur little one spends all her time chasing them around the place...lol
oh and by the way, they are lovely looking birds.
thanks for the somments guys.

@tina they do bath themselves they have a fairly large water bowl which they just fit in i used to put a tupaware type lunch box in the bottom of the cage but they would always use the water bowl so i just let them use that. unfortunatly despite my best efforts so far they are not yet hand tame i think its harder because they are a pair but they let me get right close up but as soon as i go to put my hand under there chest they fly off.So they wouldnt let me shower them yet.

ocasionaly i towel them out and gently stroke them however i dont do it too often as it seems to stress them a fair bit. These are really to teach me how to care for these sorts of birds before i move up to what i call a proper parrot ie an african grey ,an amazon,maxmillion,cockatoo etc. I think i will go african grey/amazon when i do eventualy get one.
These are really to teach me how to care for these sorts of birds before i move up to what i call a proper parrot ie an african grey ,an amazon,maxmillion,cockatoo etc. I think i will go african grey/amazon when i do eventualy get one.

regardless what bird u get and it's size, if u do get another one, get one straight from a breeder rather than a shop and straight after it has been fully weaned (usually about 3 months old) ....i don't know where u got the ones u have now from but from what i'm picking up, i don't think they were straight from a breeder. Birds that won't have any human contact is usually due to being stuck in their cage all the time or not treated veer well...although i'm not saying this is the case with urs, but it's usually something like this.
The reason why i say this is because, when they are fully weaned (can feed them selfs) they haven't been no where else that someone else has owned, who has left them in the cage all the time without interacting with other people. The breeder would of handle the bird ever day and more then likely interacted with other members of their family. So u know this bird is used to human contact and will not be frightened of anyone....it's when u get them from someone else or pet shops u never know their history. If u do get an african grey/macaw etc.... alway make sure the ring on it's foot is sealed and not open. The ring identiy tells u the breeders reg number, the year the bird was born, the size of the ring put on and the birds own reg number. This ring can only be put onto a birds foot up until the bird is about 2 weeks old, after that it won't fit.....if the ring isn't sealed as it should be and has a split in it, this ring could of been put on at any time so u will never really no the true identiy of this bird. So many birds of this type have been imported and are wild caught. just one last thing, get a few books on the bird u do decide to get, there are so much u need to know about the do's and don'ts about these birds the little tips will help u so much u'll be amazed...lol

Just one thing to remember though, their cage is their terrority, hollie is bonded to my fella and he was just playing around with the hanging toys in her cage and she went for him so fast he didn't have time to react and she drew blood from him big time.

They say they usually bond to the oposite sex, like with hollie she bonded to my fella, although this isn't excactly true, it's around 90% if there are male and female looking after it. When hollie arrived at my flat (i had her delivered) she took to my fella straight off. and he doesn't even live with me...lol she would let him do anything to her...lol although now, she more half and half with us both but that as only been in the last year and i've had her 4 and half years...lol

anyway from what i read the way u talk u sound like u've listened to my advised before when u asked and u sound like u done some reading, but there was just one thing i had to really laugh at when u said..........u toweled her,
....u toweled a bird with a weany little dinky beak that size....lol a bite from that size beak hun is just a little tickle and a scratch.....lol just a little tip, always make sure u have a rough perch in their for them to sit on, This helps to keep their nails trimmed and they also clean their beak on them too which keeps it trimmed, that way as well, it's so piecing when they do bite.

any further info give me a shout.

here's a few pics when i first got her...so in love with her daddy...lol
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some great advice again thanks tina. when i say i towel them out its not to protect me from bites its just easier to get hold of them otherwise i cant catch them :)