They booing us or engurland?

@Sandra51 When you started a thread peddling this crap a while back, the thread was binned. You're now trying to piggyback your alternative reality on someone else's thread. There are other forums that deal in this sort of twaddle. Take it elsewhere please.
I think that given the circumstances if I was being threatened by people in front and behind me I would have done exactly the same as this was George Floyd, the well know drug addict and dangerous violent career criminal he was arresting, not the mythical Saint George. Like many criminals he claimed in a loud clear voice over and over that he couldn't breathe but I know from personal experience that when I couldn't breathe and I had to ring for an ambulance I struggled to tell the operator my name and address, so no matter how many times he shouted that he couldn't breathe in such a clear loud voice I would have ignored him too.

I know that some of you may disagree with me but that is what I would have done, and if I had been in charge of the city of Minneapolis I would not have arranged what was almost a state funeral for him or given the family millions of dollars that should have been given to the many victims of people like George Floyd.

Who was being threatened? The cops certainly weren't. And there were 4 of them, armed, and supposedly trained. You continually refer to him as a drug addict, and violent career criminal. Yes, the man commited crimes, and yes the man took drugs, all of this was in the past, and nothing was recent.

"Like many criminals, he..." - What the heck does this even mean? Why are you starting any sentence with like most criminals?!? Do you know a lot of criminals? Have experiences with them, or how they are? The man told them several times he couldn't breathe. The man who was face down, and hand cuffed behind his back, whilst 4 armed officers were at the scene. At what point was that man a threat to the cops? Who are trained (Supposedly) in situation descalation?

The reason his family was paid, was because of the actions of the cops, and the tragic death of Floyd (criminal or not). That money was an admittance of guilt from the state, and a way of offering something to the family.

Cops are not above the law, regardless of who the person they're arresting is, or what they've done previously. Too many cops have commited legal murder and gotten away with it. Perhaps look up the statistics of people that have died in police custody, or because of a confrontation with the police. The US especially has a problem with cops killing people, whether they're black, hispanic or another minority. ALL cops should have to wear body cams, which they cannot control and cannot turn off, that way you would have full accountability for their actions. It takes longer to qualify as a teacher or a nurse than it does to become a police officer. But yes, lets listen to the right wing media, and blame the innocent victim in this confrontation, and applaud the bad decisions of the police officer. Heck, lets just let the cops kill anyone who isn't white, or doesn't listen to them.
You two can praise the criminals all you want I will continue to say that I do not like drug addicts or dangerous and violent career criminals.

You stick to your opinions and I will stick to mine, I just hope that Derek Chauvin gets a fair retrial with a jury without BLM activists in it and where the jury will not be in fear of their lives if they find him not guilty, that's all I have to say on this matter.
You two can praise the criminals all you want I will continue to say that I do not like drug addicts or dangerous and violent career criminals.

You stick to your opinions and I will stick to mine, I just hope that Derek Chauvin gets a fair retrial with a jury without BLM activists in it and where the jury will not be in fear of their lives if they find him not guilty, that's all I have to say on this matter.
You've failed to address any of the points i've raised.

So let's look at the trial. I presume you know how trials work, and how the jury is picked. But just in case, here;

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The defence picks the jurors, and they will go with who they feel will allow them to get the best outcome. So his own lawyers picked the jury that found him guilty. BLM activists? Jury intimidation? This isn't a mafia trial, there was no jury intimidation at all.

Your opening statement is that I can continue to praise the criminals, please point out anywhere that I have praised Floyd, I've offered a different opinion to yours, and rather than offering a counter discussion, you've marked my posts as you're angry, then failed to answer any of the points raised. Then tried adding additional information to make your point stronger, which you've failed to do, and if anything you've made yourself look even sillier than your original post made you. And that was pretty darn silly in fairness.
So back to the thread regarding fans booing. They have a right to have an opinion and their way of protesting way is by booing.

Fans again have been subjected to been called racist for booing. These simpletons like Ian Wright wanna ask the fans why.

I'm sure there's 1 or 2 players who disagree but have been socially pressured into taking this stupid knee which I still don't get.

When this started it was clearly symbol associated and designed to support this funded political movement the BLM.

Now the FA want to suddenly disassociate away from BLM?, well to do this ?, stop dropping to the knee which was a symbol of the BLM movement, a symbol alot of black people also disagree with its a political movement.

It's like giving the Nazi salute with swastikas everywhere then take away the flags and carry on with the salute and try to tell everyone "Na it doesn't mean we're Nazi's, we've changed its meaning m8".
Taking the knee = BLM
It's BLM people boo at not anti racism. Why can't the gobshites at the FA see that?? W#nkers.
I feel sorry for the players who, if they didn't they would be singled out and probably not get picked due to dickheads ringing in to the ITV and the BBC.
Against racism ? Yes
Take the knee ? Only to the Queen when I'm knighted never for BLM
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So back to the thread regarding fans booing. They have a right to have an opinion and their way of protesting way is by booing.

Fans again have been subjected to been called racist for booing. These simpletons like Ian Wright wanna ask the fans why.

I'm sure there's 1 or 2 players who disagree but have been socially pressured into taking this stupid knee which I still don't get.

When this started it was clearly symbol associated and designed to support this funded political movement the BLM.

Now the FA want to suddenly disassociate away from BLM?, well to do this ?, stop dropping to the knee which was a symbol of the BLM movement, a symbol alot of black people also disagree with its a political movement.

It's like giving the Nazi salute with swastikas everywhere then take away the flags and carry on with the salute and try to tell everyone "Na it doesn't mean we're Nazi's, we've changed its meaning m8".
Taking the knee = BLM
It's BLM people boo at not anti racism. Why can't the gobshites at the FA see that?? W#nkers.
I feel sorry for the players who, if they didn't they would be singled out and probably not get picked due to dickheads ringing in to the ITV and the BBC.
Against racism ? Yes
Take the knee ? Only to the Queen when I'm knighted never for BLM

Im not sure I agree with the whole BLM is a political movement, nor that it is funded. Clearly the world has issues with race, this dates back to slavery times, whether that be in Egypt, Africa, South America, North America or even Europe. Races have always oppressed other races for their own gains, I think that's undeniable.

For me, taking the knee isn't going to stop racism, same as the kick it out campaign, same as the stupid t-shirts you see people wearing. That isn't going to change anything any time soon. Unfortunately imo, there are people that are inherently racist, normally due to the environment they were raised, or the things they read or hear. And then this is perpetuated by the echo chambers of social media, and the ability to quickly and easily connect with other people who share similar views, and then it just spirals further.

Israel is a prime example of this, they were massively oppressed by the Nazi's, hunted and killed. Sent to the gas chambers, concentration camps, forced labour etc. Yet, they're openly commiting genocide to the Palestinians, building on land that isn't theirs, openly attacking them with advanced weaponry, and everyone just sits back and does nothing. You'd think of all the people in the world, these would be one of the most aware of oppression after what their people went through at the hands of others. Sadly, absolutle power corrupts absolutely, and now they're simply doing to the Palestinians, what was done to them. China and the urghirs is another example, but whilst everyone will say the right things at confrences, and in front of cameras, no one will actually do anything about it, because China makes everything in the world, and that would hurt the world economy. Look what China has done to Hong Kong, they're their own people ffs! Yet they've openly attacked them.

The whole world needs to change, and we need to stop oppressing eachother, we're one people at the end of the day, and as the saying goes, in a world you can be anything, be nice.
He wasn't shot, he died of a heart attack because of his blocked arteries, poor heart condition and the illegal drugs he had taken, they blamed that poor cop for restraining him but he was a dead man walking in all reality.
I meant his death or to clarify even further his unnecessary, murder.
Not long back players were wearing BLM patches on thier arms. Players were asked to kneel before the kick off in support of of the BLM movement that's were taking the knee came from, theres a direct to BLM and kneeling in support of them even the black power fist, come on guys.
Now the FA want to disassociate themselves from the BLM movement and removed all mention of them patches banners ads flags etc,
Still encourage and allow this submissive kneeling that started as a symbol of support for the BLM to remain.
Let's see what the BLM stand for
Equality and stamp out racism,
Fine and agree but then there's:

1) dismantle capitalism
2) abolish prisons
3) get rid of borders
4) get rid of the police force
5) end all stop and search (contradicting 4 because there'd be no one to f##kin do it!)
6) BLM say unemployment is violence (wtf that means God only knows)
7) climate change is racist (must have thought of that on the weed)

There's plenty more but they become stupid like against the suffragettes.
So the FA need to ask why have they removed all association with BLM but allowed and encourage the kneeling (which started out in support of the BLM) to remain.

Have they thought to ask the fans why they boo ?, or are they assuming they must be booing because their racist??.

I say stop this submissive stupid ffing kneeling and play friggin football. These players need to be educated and stop been brainwashed and forced fed someone else's opinion.

No poppy but kneel in support of a bunch of nutters
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I really do not give a toss if the players want to take a knee before a game, they can stand on their heads for all I care.
I do however believe that some of them will not want to do it, but peer pressure is making them do it, and I have more respect for players that do not take a knee than those who do.
It all looks so false to me, I really do not believe that 23 men all have the same opinion on anything (I am including the referee who is no doubt instructed by that joke called the PGMOL to do it).
Not a mention of Croat's not kneeling ?, wouldn't surprise me if squeaky arse clean Lewis Hamilton labels them a bunch of murdering Neo Nazi's 😄

In fairness, I don't think there are many black people in Croatia, so I doubt they care for their lives very much...
In fairness, I don't think there are many black people in Croatia, so I doubt they care for their lives very much...
What's that got to do with it ?
The kneeling is to support BLM who want to open the prisons, defund the police and do away with capitalism.
All lives matter regardless of colour or race but this kneeling nonsense has nothing to do with race.
What's that got to do with it ?
The kneeling is to support BLM who want to open the prisons, defund the police and do away with capitalism.
All lives matter regardless of colour or race but this kneeling nonsense has nothing to do with race.

I thought you wasn't replying? You still haven't answered any of the other things that were posed to you.

The kneeling isn't to support BLM, it's not about a political movement.

And it has everything to do with it. If you don't have black players, or black people living in your country, then why would they support the lives of black people, or the oppression/killing of them? They have no understanding of the issues of black people, as it doesn't affect them or their country. Im seriously unsure if you're trolling or just ignorant, or a bigot, or just all 3.
I thought you wasn't replying? You still haven't answered any of the other things that were posed to you.

The kneeling isn't to support BLM, it's not about a political movement.
I wasn't continuing trying to get you to see the reality of the show trial that falsely convicted a good man of the murder of St George, but the kneeling nonsense in support of a Marxist anti law and order political movement is something I am very much against as it has nothing to do with racism otherwise black footballers like John Barnes wouldn't be against it would he.
I wasn't continuing trying to get you to see the reality of the show trial that falsely convicted a good man of the murder of St George, but the kneeling nonsense in support of a Marxist anti law and order political movement is something I am very much against as it has nothing to do with racism otherwise black footballers like John Barnes wouldn't be against it would he.

You're throwing around a lot of words, im surmising you don't know what a lot of them mean, but you've got an average level of google-fu.

Show trial? Falsely convicted man? Marxist anti law? You might want to google-fu some more things before you come spouting nonesense.

Chauvin, was the 1st police officer ever to be found guilty. EVER! This was no show trial, the jurors that convicted him, did so against the evidence provided, and they were selected by the defence. So the defence has the best option to help their case. Clearly, the evidence provided, and the lack of Chavin's ability or willingness to defend himself (Plead the 5th), resulted in him being found guilty. Im sure when this goes to appeal, he will likely get an increased sentence.

You might want to look up what pleading the 5th actually is, and why people use it as a defence.

I'll ask again, when a man is face down, and cuffed (Behind his back), at what point is that man a threat? Why did he need to kneel on his neck for 9 mins? He could've sat on him and kept him under control, he could've put him in the patrol car, and had him under control. This was unnecessary force, hence the guilty verdict.

Also this wasn't the first time that complaints had been made about this innocent man, and it speaks volumes, that his wife waited until the guilty verdict before she filed for divorce. The man was violent, and she was clearly scared of him.

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You might want to read what marxism actually is, before you start spouting it as a reason for this tragic event. Put the remote down, stop watching fox news, stop listening to Tucker Carlson, and log off facebook. Go read some books, go and speak to some scholars, and learn a little, before you come back with your bigoted rhetoric.

@HibbyDave - We might as well say it for our English breadbins, England are definitely going to win the Euros now...