They booing us or engurland?

Scotland team to be applauded for their decision I think. If England and others want to make a gesture against racism then they should find their own gesture that isn't linked to BLM or black power. When will these people understand that is all we ask?
Distance yourself categorically from BLM and all will be good.
That's why everyone has the hump. Sport seemingly taking a political stance. Can't see why you find that confusing Nara.
Racism towards footballers should be defended in ways that don't align with a movement who wish to erase our history, good or bad, who also wish to defund the Police.
Someone please explain why do they kneel ? A submissive symbol in my eyes.
Kick racism out = yes
No to racism = yes
BLM = big no no
And to think it wasn't that long ago they banned the poppy but now the want players to kneel in support of a funded political movement?
So but I'm out thanks
Positive discrimination is still discrimination. :)
Yet people have classed that as racism by another name. You just can't win.
Taking the knee has become synonymous with BLM since the shooting of George Floyd. Southgate says that his support in taking the knee isn't showing support for the BLM movement.
Why doesn't he just go all out and instruct his players to give a Nazi salute. No one in their right mind would think it was associated with Nazism, would they????

Just wish these woke do-gooders would be more vocal when it comes to wearing the poppy and singing Land of Hope and Glory. Instead of taking the knee they could clap for 10 seconds or make a heart shape with their hands. I doubt anyone would find that offensive. But sadly, NO. They would rather think of those of us who object to taking the knee as being racist.
Talk about it before after a game fine but on the field of play ? no for me.
What about hoardings "racism out" whatever. It works for companies selling their goods.

I get the message but BLM ? naaaaaa
I couldn't give a flying one whether teams take the knee or not, all teams can highlight racism any way
they seem fit, we decided to stand or so it would appear?... Scotland to take a knee at Wembley

obviously some pressure has been applied from some quarters? It would stick in my crow if it was done
because some fat tory bast*rd PM has backed you guys for taking the knee, I was going to put in my post
yesterday " I bet we dont do it when we play you " wish I had now. :mad:
Yet people have classed that as racism by another name. You just can't win.
Taking the knee has become synonymous with BLM since the shooting of George Floyd. Southgate says that his support in taking the knee isn't showing support for the BLM movement.
He wasn't shot, he died of a heart attack because of his blocked arteries, poor heart condition and the illegal drugs he had taken, they blamed that poor cop for restraining him but he was a dead man walking in all reality.
He wasn't shot, he died of a heart attack because of his blocked arteries, poor heart condition and the illegal drugs he had taken, they blamed that poor cop for restraining him but he was a dead man walking in all reality.

Fuxake! You're at it again! :mad:
He wasn't shot, he died of a heart attack because of his blocked arteries, poor heart condition and the illegal drugs he had taken, they blamed that poor cop for restraining him but he was a dead man walking in all reality.
The jury, and judge, and the coroner seem to have disagreed with you there.

Whilst the drugs in his system would've been a contributing factor, kneeling on someones neck, whilst cuffed for 9 mins is not required. And the criminal in question has now been found guilty. And hopefully this is a sign of things to come to show that the police are not above the law that they swear to uphold and enact.
He wasn't shot was he ?
The coroner said his main arteries were blocked 90% and 75% so he wouldn't have been able to carry out many more crimes would he. As I said he was a dead man walking and the cop saved a lot of people from being harmed by him when he arrested him.
He wasn't shot was he ?
The coroner said his main arteries were blocked 90% and 75% so he wouldn't have been able to carry out many more crimes would he. As I said he was a dead man walking and the cop saved a lot of people from being harmed by him when he arrested him.
Wow. You have to be trolling with that comment.

The cop killed someone, who was cuffed, and no danger to anyone. Excessive force was used, unnecessarily so, and the jury agreed. How can someone who is face down, with his hands behind his back and cuffed harm anyone?

You'll be telling us Hitler did nothing wrong next.
He wasn't shot was he ?
The coroner said his main arteries were blocked 90% and 75% so he wouldn't have been able to carry out many more crimes would he. As I said he was a dead man walking and the cop saved a lot of people from being harmed by him when he arrested him.

Oh ffs! You're one of them aren't you? grim.gif

I'll bet you think that Biden stole the election. nopityA.gif
I believe the force used contributed to his death and was totally unnecessary imho...
I think that given the circumstances if I was being threatened by people in front and behind me I would have done exactly the same as this was George Floyd, the well know drug addict and dangerous violent career criminal he was arresting, not the mythical Saint George. Like many criminals he claimed in a loud clear voice over and over that he couldn't breathe but I know from personal experience that when I couldn't breathe and I had to ring for an ambulance I struggled to tell the operator my name and address, so no matter how many times he shouted that he couldn't breathe in such a clear loud voice I would have ignored him too.

I know that some of you may disagree with me but that is what I would have done, and if I had been in charge of the city of Minneapolis I would not have arranged what was almost a state funeral for him or given the family millions of dollars that should have been given to the many victims of people like George Floyd.