there will be limits on how many times you can go to the tip


VIP Member
VIP Member
Nov 19, 2005
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It is an absolute joke

New rules which mean you're only allowed to use the tip on average once a week are set to be introduced across Greater Manchester next year.

And if you're a van driver, you'll only be able to go once a month.

Automatic number plate recognition cameras will be used to log drivers' details and keep track of how many visits people have made.
From February, there will be limits on how many times you can go to the tip
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I know it may ruffle feathers when i say this..... “blame them climate change muppets for it”
All in the name of cutting back on waste, recycling before we all die in 10 years.
I remember bin men used to walk up your driveway and throw the bin over there shoulder, empty it then bring it back to property. (ONCE A WEEK)
Now you have bring the bin out of your property. You have to recycle it also.

I would love to know how much money councils make from recycled materials. As your property rates never go down annually.
No doubt if you go to dump more than once a week it will cost you money.
As they already made it that your personal rubbish bin is filled up well before the two weeks.

But we have to do our bit for the environment mate, we have not got long left before the earth is doomed.
You might have to dig deep in your wallet to prevent it and help the council out, to prevent waste going into landfill.
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It is an absolute joke

New rules which mean you're only allowed to use the tip on average once a week are set to be introduced across Greater Manchester next year.

And if you're a van driver, you'll only be able to go once a month.

Automatic number plate recognition cameras will be used to log drivers' details and keep track of how many visits people have made.
From February, there will be limits on how many times you can go to the tip

Have not been able to use my van to go to the tip in years down here in Kent.
here in birmingham...we can go to local tip, but if they see yiu with a van, they ask to see your for houshold cllections, we use to have ,from time to time a bulk refuse collection, all heavy household rubbish or any kind of rubbish, nicely packed was collected..sadly thats gone. i think the council in brum charge £35 to collect a certain number of houshold rubbish item, from the wonder theres loads of rubbish dumped where i live..the srteets and roads are a disgrace and dirty, thanks birmingham city council , also the ignorant, mindless people that live here in my area. From a nice area when i bougt a house here, its gone to a complete and utter shithole...i dont even venture outside anymore once i come from work..unless i have to..its fooking disgusting..
52 trips each year for cars,when you look at it sensible,its not that bad,I must have gone less than half that last year.But like others have said,the fly tipping will increase
I remember a few years ago reading about bins being 'microchipped' by councils.
Surely the only reason for this is to charge people according to the amount of rubbish they send to landfill.
Here in south Wales they was going to bring in weight limits on you bins if you go over the weight limit. You would receive a fine or get billed for being over weight. Take the piss. Lucky it has not came in to affect yet. How the holy. Shit can you keep track on the weight. On average I visit the tip 3 to 4 times a month.
weight limit did start here bin lorry would not lift bin if deemed over weight not sure if still in place