The now retired Hermes Spanish Hacker from Elotrolado returns and releases his FINAL


Inactive User
May 19, 2005
Reaction score
Bolton UK
Hermes said:

Updated: Added source code version v4 with the latest patches found (are grateful to Mathieulh their contributions). This is my final contribution for those who want to return to work and develop it, I go up for reasons of commitment and that the scene is a collective work.
May as well post his whole rant:


Sorry to keep you waiting, but today I had family commitments and the thread was closed when I'm gone.

First, say that I have uploaded what I have so far: includes the patches that we have mentioned in another thread and some new ones. The main novelty is that it has "cleaned" the source code to eliminate double relocation of the code, since we do not need. Also included a new dynamic patching system comes in handy to allow redirection of / apps_home a / dev_bdvd in games, to receive as first parameter EBOOT.BIN path correctly, if that could cause some problem.

I climb the V4 that already had committed and if other people want to continue development (the scene is a collective, not as a team, everyone is free to contribute whatever they want and how you want and at a time want).

Secondly, I thank you for the support you have shown me

If you do not mind, I would like to discuss a few things in the remainder of the post.

I have 41 years and at that age, one is clear about certain things and know why you get rings and what not. As some know, I'm not a professional programmer, but a construction worker unemployed (like many others, unfortunately), which devotes her time to a hobby (which is in unemployment assistance, that there is something to kill time ) And shares what he does with others, for the simple detail that positions and why not all benefit?

Interestingly, I usually get into these "fregaos" because sometimes I see things are rudderless and I think I can contribute ideas and my point of view and in the electronic scene, but never on a pair of hands and a brain that provides . So touching roll up, we roll up, all of course, non-profit or to cash in on any class that is not what is sought.

Obviously, one is not stupid and knows that is what's going on around here: there is always profiting rock that takes advantage of the work of others, without contributing anything (or if they bring improvements, "close" to each other) and there are always people strip of land the job of others. This is what usually bother me, as is logical and understandable, since obviously I'm not here for companies that skirt the law or not, is profiting without contributing anything at all and I have a perfect right, such circumstances or otherwise, participate in setting the scene and fix my code working with this scene and its exclusions.

In this case, I decided that because a company is using not only the code, if not my nick as bait advertising, making misunderstand that I'm behind that product, fail to develop a code that make for entertaining and that you I offer to you as anonymous people who are, without either profit interests.

Some people do not want to understand this and think "bah, is a childish temper tantrum in plan" or "not as annoying, because Hermes is also a nickname adopted and this Easter."

Instead what I think is that who are they to judge my decision and I am the less I lose if I participate, so do not know why some people think that I win something by participating. And that applies to those who charge you 30 bucks for a chip applications or develop them as needed and not me. And if I believe that one has crossed a line where I say enough, not only my right, but it seems logical to give back the ball and say "ale, nice people do not want to bring you the car?. Since take you peak and shovel and herding "

I have no financial backing behind consoles or debug or retail consoles with different firmware, or special devices that teensy but I rode or USBKey I bought. Is not it logical that those who live on this, whatever they have to make improvements? Or I have to do the time for R & D department inadvertently?

Anyway, I think the thing is clear: for the time step will continue doing nothing and being the turn of others to pick up the baton and show that besides making chips and collect dollars, also bring improvements to their customers or scene in general, without taking single code or a nickname borrowed from others as a decoy, because basically, they offer nothing.

News Source: PSGROOVE Payload Custom (V4) @