The day part of the Internet died: Egypt goes dark


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By JORDAN ROBERTSON, AP Technology Writer Jordan Robertson, Ap Technology Writer – 29 mins ago

SAN FRANCISCO – About a half-hour past midnight Friday morning in Egypt, the Internet went dead.

Almost simultaneously, the handful of companies that pipe the Internet into and out of Egypt went dark as protesters were gearing up for a fresh round of demonstrations calling for the end of President Hosni Mubarak's nearly 30-year rule, experts said.

Egypt has apparently done what many technologists thought was unthinkable for any country with a major Internet economy: It unplugged itself entirely from the Internet to try and silence dissent.

Experts say it's unlikely that what's happened in Egypt could happen in the United States because the U.S. has numerous Internet providers and ways of connecting to the Internet. Coordinating a simultaneous shutdown would be a massive undertaking.

"It can't happen here," said Jim Cowie, the chief technology officer and a co-founder of Renesys, a network security firm in Manchester, N.H., that studies Internet disruptions. "How many people would you have to call to shut down the U.S. Internet? Hundreds, thousands maybe? We have enough Internet here that we can have our own Internet. If you cut it off, that leads to a philosophical question: Who got cut off from the Internet, us or the rest of the world?"

In fact, there are few countries anywhere with all their central Internet connections in one place or so few places that they can be severed at the same time. But the idea of a single "kill switch" to turn the Internet on and off has seduced some American lawmakers, who have pushed for the power to shutter the Internet in a national emergency.

The Internet blackout in Egypt shows that a country with strong control over its Internet providers apparently can force all of them to pull their plugs at once, something that Cowie called "almost entirely unprecedented in Internet history."

The outage sets the stage for blowback from the international community and investors. It also sets a precedent for other countries grappling with paralyzing political protests — though censoring the Internet and tampering with traffic to quash protests is nothing new.

"We are concerned that communication services, including the Internet, social media and even this tweet, are being blocked in Egypt," State Department spokesman P. J. Crowley tweeted on the social network website Twitter. "We are closely monitoring the situation in Egypt. We continue to urge authorities to show restraint and allow peaceful protests to occur."

China has long restricted what its people can see online and received renewed scrutiny for the practice when Internet search leader Google Inc. proclaimed a year ago that it would stop censoring its search results in China.

In 2009, Iran disrupted Internet service to try to curb protests over disputed elections. And two years before that, Burma's Internet was crippled when military leaders apparently took the drastic step of physically disconnecting primary communications links in major cities, a tactic that was foiled by activists armed with cell phones and satellite links.

Computer experts say what sets Egypt's action apart is that the entire country was disconnected in an apparently coordinated effort, and that all manner of devices are affected, from mobile phones to laptops. It seems, though, that satellite phones would not be affected.

"Iran never took down any significant portion of their Internet connection — they knew their economy and the markets are dependent on Internet activity," Cowie said.

When countries are merely blocking certain sites — like Twitter or Facebook — where protesters are coordinating demonstrations, as apparently happened at first in Eqypt, protesters can use "proxy" computers to circumvent the government censors. The proxies "anonymize" traffic and bounce it to computers in other countries that send it along to the restricted sites.

But when there's no Internet at all, proxies can't work and online communication grinds to a halt.

Renesys' network sensors showed that Egypt's four primary Internet providers — Link Egypt, Vodafone/Raya, Telecom Egypt, Etisalat Misr — and all went dark at 12:34 a.m. Those companies shuttle all Internet traffic into and out of Egypt, though many people get their service through additional local providers with different names.

One exception to this block was Noor Group, which includes the Egyptian Stock Exchange among its customers, with inbound transit coming in from Telecom Italia.

Italy-based Seabone said no Internet traffic was going into or out of Egypt after 12:30 a.m. local time.

"There's no way around this with a proxy," Cowie said. "There is literally no route. It's as if the entire country disappeared. You can tell I'm still kind of stunned."

The technical act of turning off the Internet can be fairly straightforward. It likely requires only a simple change to the instructions for the companies' networking equipment.

Craig Labovitz, chief scientist for Arbor Networks, a Chelmsford, Mass., security company, said that in countries such as Egypt — with a centralized government and a relatively small number of fiber-optic cables and other ways for the Internet to get piped in — the companies that own the technologies are typically under strict licenses from the government.

"It's probably a phone call that goes out to half a dozen folks who enter a line on a router configuration file and hit return," Labovitz said. "It's like programming your TiVo — you have things that are set up and you delete one. It's not high-level programming."

Twitter confirmed Tuesday that its service was being blocked in Egypt, and Facebook reported problems.

"Iran went through the same pattern," Labovitz said. "Initially there was some level of filtering, and as things deteriorated, the plug was pulled. It looks like Egypt might be following a similar pattern."

The ease with which Egypt cut itself also means the country can control where the outages are targeted, experts said. So its military facilities, for example, can stay online while the Internet vanishes for everybody else.

Experts said it was too early to tell which, if any, facilities still have connections in Egypt.


Cowie said his firm is investigating clues that a small number of small networks might still be available.

Meanwhile, a program Renesys uses that displays the percentage of each country that is connected to the Internet was showing a figure that he was still struggling to believe. Zero.

The day part of the Internet died: Egypt goes dark - Yahoo! News
Clever move but wont affect mobile transmissions for text messages only internet connections, but this peed some of them off big style and has hit the economy also.
Clever move but wont affect mobile transmissions for text messages only internet connections, but this peed some of them off big style and has hit the economy also.

SMS and Blackberry messaging is also blocked.

We don't know what exactly is going on over in Egypt, but the country's government seems to have decided that keeping in touch with the outside world is no longer desirable and has almost completely shut down internet, SMS, and BlackBerry communications. It's not surprising, therefore, that reports are emerging in rather piecemeal form at the moment, though Renesys has hard data showing that almost all routes for exchanging internet traffic with the country have been shut down, with only Noor Group excepted from the block -- a move the internet analytics company theorizes might have been motivated by a desire to keep the Egyptian Stock Exchange online. The reasons for this blackout remain open to speculation and interpretation -- most of which, we remind you, has better destinations than your favorite tech blog -- but its content is clearly an extreme step for any government to take. Check out the links below for further details.

Egypt enters communication blackout with disruption to internet, SMS, and BlackBerry messaging -- Engadget
US connectivity could be bought down if goverment and terrorist (harder but still possible) as there are still a number of key services like DNS which though widely distributed still sync from a small number of sources. In addition a large majority of telecoms routes through certain data centres. Yes it would take potentially 100 of calls to be made but it could happen.

BTW, all of this also applies to the UK where major routing is done in less the a dozen key data centres. I am sure we have all experianced outages when some dopey builder goes through a cable. That was by accident, imagine not even having to cut a cable but just changing routing table.
Any country, even the US can disconnect themselves from the global internet in a relatively short time. This is because data that is meant for other countries goes through a very limited number of chokepoints (sub-sea cable, cross border cable etc). These chokepoints are nearly always licenced by or controlled in some way by governments.

Internal internet would probably be a little harder for the US to pull but its almost certain similar chokepoints exist between US states which are very probably controlled by the individual states themselves. The US could, in theory also pull operator licences making it illegal for them to actually continue to operate.

btw, if the UK govt ever decided to pull the plug it would be relatively easy to disconnect the UK from the wider web. We only have about a dozen or so chokepoints that link us up to the rest of the web. It may not shut the system down entirely (there are some independant sat-links) but it would severly hamper it. The UK Govt also has the power to pull licences of operators to prevent them from functioning.

Of course. the major problems for either the US or UK pulling the local internet would be political rather than physical. Physically, its rather easy, politically it would be suicide !
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i fit satellite broadband dishes to rural properties, and their main isp is based in luxombourg, so if the plug is pulled on the UK, west wales will become the internet hotspot lol
i fit satellite broadband dishes to rural properties, and their main isp is based in luxombourg, so if the plug is pulled on the UK, west wales will become the internet hotspot lol

If the UK Govt ever decided to go down the no internet route then even sat based broadband could be switched off or disabled relatively easily. All it takes is one dish beaming a few watts of power at the sat and any uploaded signal is completely blanketed.

As I say, technically a countrywide no-internet policy is an exceptionally easy thing to implement.
As part of my Job i visit Data centers and Security is very tight, down to the fact that if theses centers became terrorist targets then in theory you could bring the UK banking system to its knees.

TBH with all the security checks and protocols i have to go through each time i visit, you would need military training to get past the security.
As part of my Job i visit Data centers and Security is very tight, down to the fact that if theses centers became terrorist targets then in theory you could bring the UK banking system to its knees.

TBH with all the security checks and protocols i have to go through each time i visit, you would need military training to get past the security.

why attack the DC rather then cabling infrastructure
Dont give them ideas,lol
Ahhh, a Mod's secret meeting. ???? :)
lol all this kicks off just as silverfox goes there for his holls.