Super Mario Galaxy


DW Regular
Apr 11, 2004
Reaction score
Well its now available , but is it fake ???

Have read a few reports on this now and its not looking good for mod chips and future games if this "protection" has been implemented .
I hope someone can get round it, its the only reason I got a Wii.... I suppose I will have to buy it!!!
the things thats worrying me is if it wont run on a modchip soon they will prob make all games like that & every 1 is on the waiting game for it 2 get sorted

it don't look good

some protections in the past have taken over a year to crack

lets hope the fall update doesn't do anything to the 360, or it will be a really bad time for modders
Just seen a patch online:


Don't know if it works or if it is a virus etc
Confirmed working on Cyclowiz using new beta firmware, go to cyclowiz forum to download. Works also on PAL wii, but gives duplicate up on it first as need latest european firmware if you don't want to brick it
from wiikeys site

[07.10.29] Update on Super Mario Galaxy Issue

In addition to the announcement made earlier today about Super Mario Galaxy, we are pleased to confirm that we have now identified the copy protection method responsible and created a fix.

In order to guarantee stability, we have had to make a fairly major change to the way the code works. While all tests have proven positive, the challenge now is to create a delivery system to allow existing Wiikeys to be updated.

As ever, we appreciate your patience and support while we do this.
Will it run with a wiifree installed?

apprently not so ur stuc in same boat as us wiikey owners waiting :grayyawn:

this was taken off another forum

D2CKey is the first modchip to be able to play Super Mario Galaxy. Other modchip makers such as Team Cyclops (CycloWiz) and Team WiiKey are looking into a fix. Actually, Team Cyclops has already released a 3.6BETA that works with Super Mario Galaxy. Team WiiKey has found a fix but will need to recode as there were changes made. No word from other makers and open source's such as WiiFree, YAOSM.
Am i right in saying that the wiifree cant be updated using a disk, and if thats the case then we'd need to use a cable?
If you have wiifree and it you need to update it then, you have to remove the chip and reprogram with a pic programmer.
so what firmaware does the wiifree need wiiman ?
so to play this game i'd need to get someone who can solder who can remove and replace the chip? And if any protection comes out that needs an update i'll have to have it done again?Wish I'd known that before I decided on the wiifree :(
it was said it was best to install the wifree externaly just for this sort of problem, you just unplug it pop it in your pic progger and put it back
Tbh I didn't know it could be installed externally. Think I'll nee to pm someone to see how much it would cost.
depends how your wiifree was fitted, i install wiifree/yaosm in a socket inside the wii, so all you have to do is crack open the wii and pull the chip out of the socket then reprogram. But as far as i'm aware there is no fix yet for wiifree/yaosm.