Starting to SNOW!


VIP Member
VIP Member
Dec 27, 2005
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Looks like the snow has started where I am, lets hope it sets!
If it gets colder tonight it might turn to snow, had to google the difference between sleet and snow lol
Started with sleet up til mid afternoon in Stoke, then it started proper snowing. Didn't stick though, too wet.
its been raining most half of the day....
but very cold glad i got the shoping done theis morning......
and its back to work tomora......
west london
been snowing for a few hours in leicestershire

papers will be full of cold winter and the big freeze etc etc

recon it will be gone by the morning as they have forecast rain overnight
Snowing here in Derby, think we are due for a bad winter.....not had one for a while, had a crap summer as well so be warned