
no snow here loads of rain allso in north
supposed to be snowing after allthough at the mo it is pishing it down
Beleive me I aint pulling your plonker mate, that track is used by the Kids every morning, + plus all the dog walkers and everybody going into the village shops.

Durham? , Im about 7 miles away from durham, up consett way.
Beleive me I aint pulling your plonker mate, that track is used by the Kids every morning, + plus all the dog walkers and everybody going into the village shops.

Durham? , Im about 7 miles away from durham, up consett way.

Ah that explains it mate, Cowboy land, it always snows up there.

I am the other side, about 7 miles south near Spennymoor.
Well up in the Toon (Heaton) it's pissing it down. Not a sign of any snow, not even sleet. Looks like Consett has got some sort of freak cold spell. Enjoy it while it lasts.
wish it was snowing here...............but absolutlely lashing down in south shields.

it's freezing though just been out in car and only 2 degrees