snes games on floppy's


Inactive User
Jan 3, 2007
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hi peeps, i have a jap snes (famicom) and a super wild card floppy disk drive with hundreds of games backed up on floppy's, so i was wondering if they could be played on my pc with an emulator though not sure what the file types are. i was thinking of selling it but when i tested it to check it still worked ok i found a few day flew by as i got addicted to some great old games, but condisering my pc is pretty powerfull i could run them from it and still be able to sell the console. i've not had much luck finding an SWC unit on the net either, guess its quite rare.
not sure I used to have a doctor 64 for the famicon, it was able to dump the roms to pc. perhaps check for software for it, if not get a emulator and just download the roms and play them on your pc.
I do believe they'll run with snes9x on a PC. I have a few hundred floppies with my superwildcard and I'm sure I, at some distant point in the past, tried some with the above named program. What I couldn't do, though, was run any games that were spanned across floppies, I.E. I could only run single disk games.

Extension is .smc IIRC and I reckon they're the same files one would use on a PSP emulator, too.