Skins - Anyone watch episode 1?


Inactive User
Jun 11, 2006
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If so, what did you think of it? After channel 4's huge advertising program for it you can be certain that they wanted it to be very popular. I thought it was quite entertaining, sometimes dragging on a little, but a little average. However I think I will watch episode 2. Some parts were pretty funny, and it was alright just to watch and chillout.

So yeah, your views on it?

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i watched it, yeah it was ok. reason i thought it was good was because it was something different.
yeah man, it was different. very different. You can see the similiar aspects of shameless and skins but there is a big contrast!

well done channel 4 skins is very good and thre is nothing like it on britsh tv. channel 4 yet again do it right.
It had some good bits that was true to everyday life,took me back a few years
I missed it, can it be watched online?
Episode 2 was better!

I think this could be really good, especially know that a storyline is emerging.
Shameless is better though.
Yeah it is very interesting. I had never seen anything like it. I reckon they'll show it on channel 4 once they've completed the first series on E4.