Seal Clubbing


Inactive User
Jun 14, 2005
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Dumbarton or Wellingborough
i just saw on the news about some boat sinking while out on a seal hunting trip.
it showed some footage of a seal being clubbed :(

why the **** to they have to club these poor creatures to death?

it says some are even skinned before there even properly dead.

surely if they are going to hunt these animals they can shoot them in the head with a rifle from a distance or something, instead of running after it and battering it to bits with a metal pole.

i just saw on the news about some boat sinking while out on a seal hunting trip.
it showed some footage of a seal being clubbed :(

why the **** to they have to club these poor creatures to death?

it says some are even skinned before there even properly dead.

surely if they are going to hunt these animals they can shoot them in the head with a rifle from a distance or something, instead of running after it and battering it to bits with a metal pole.


Totaly agree m8 its just wrong.
If anything is got to be culled it should be done humanely
this sort of thing should be done naturally - the sudden introduction of 20000 polar bears into the immediate environment may help - at the very least they may eat the guy with the bit of wood

of course then you might need a cull on polar bears but habbitat reduction should sort that out
f*cking vile! the government of canada should be half beaten to death with clubs and then skinned alive
I seen this threads title and thought it was to do with a male singer with really bad skin going out at the weekend ! lol

Seriously can't believe in this day and age we need to do this shit !! What a pack of Moose lovin turds.... not happy.... they are so fackin cute too (the seals not the feckin Canadians) lol
hay perhaps we should go around clubbing the peeps that club the poor seals, I total agree with the killing of animals if it;s done in the correct way and the parts from the animal are going to be used as much as possible, i.e. Food and things lol but just doing it to take it's skin off it's such a waste
its something theyve done for generations, we may not agree with it, but thats our problem not theirs. what if they a group of people got together and said that its inhumane that we eat cows every sunday and tried to get it banned?

we may not agree with it, but it dont affect my day to day life
it's not the killing of them i disagree with, it's the way they are killing them.

plenty people here would be kicking up fook if we started battering cows to death with big sticks.
i know a few cows id love to slap with a big stick lol

its just as bad as cutting an animals throat and hanging it upside down to bleed to death, nature is much worse
why cant they used a bolt gun?
wonder how much they get paid? i can`t even kill my mancky old goldfish so i`d be no good
its something theyve done for generations, we may not agree with it, but thats our problem not theirs. what if they a group of people got together and said that its inhumane that we eat cows every sunday and tried to get it banned?

we may not agree with it, but it dont affect my day to day life

Slavery was done for centuries, so was apartheid & public stoning, but times change..... 2008 not 1808
I saw this program and had to look away. Surely there is no need for this type of blatant cruelty in 2008 ? There must be quicker and easier ways to kill a seal than running after it and clubbing it. Appalling.
Well the country in question is Canada ... Any good public stonings there lately ?.... don't think so some how....

ive not seen any seals clubbed to death in the UK recently either though m8

its part of their culture, and theyre doing it in their own country

when they all start moving over here and clubbing dogs to death in the street cos they feel its their human right to do it as its as close to what they used to do at home, then it becomes our problem, untill then its not