scheduled tasks question


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Jul 12, 2001
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Hi people, i hope somebody can help with just a little problem

i use scheduled tasks for a variety of jobs on our home network all just run a bat files at a certain times ie backup data to server from clients and sync time on clients etc . All run and work fine except the dos sorry cmd window pops up whilst it runs which is ok for me as i know whats going on but i do get comments like "what going on here" "why does this keep happening" etc etc

Anyway what i want to know is there a way i can run these batfiles silently ie so they the don't appear on the client screen when running or should i be looking at a completely different approach ?

any thoughts ?

Do a Google search for cmdow, grab it from a reputable site and stick it in your system32 folder so it's available without a path.

Then stick the line:

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as the first line in your bat files and it'll hide the cmd windows.

You may need to add the cmdow.exe to an allowed list in your antivirus software if it causes problems as some of them mistakenly class it as a malicious exe as it could potentially be used by hackers for a silent attack :rolleyes: