

Inactive User
Feb 24, 2006
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I am running sab and sickbeard on a raspberry pi and my laptop as a backup if there are several tv shows to down load the raspberry does not get all the repair blocks, when i run sabnzbd on the laptop and add the nzb files to the queue manually the download and repair work flawlessly the settings for the search are the same except as i said I add the file to the laptop manually if I add the file manually to the sabnzbd on the raspberry the repair fails due to missing blocks
I use the same site for both nzb files

any ideas as to why the raspberry which downloads over night using sickbeard is failing to get the repair blocks
I have the exact same problem with my Pi. Its 50 / 50 at the moment as some will downloaded without any issues. For the ones that dont, the retry fails.
Reading other forums, it may be a problem with Rename of files. I'll have a check on mine when I get home from work.
mine failed on the mentalist; californication and lost girl It succeeded on Hawii 5-0; and Motive
Hawii 5-0 is a web download I already got
Just checked mine from last night. 3 of the 4 worked OK and same as yours, mentalist failed.
last night only broadchurch to download it worked ok
last night sab only DL 2 of the six shows in my list
4 out 4 on my Pi downloaded OK. Which ones failed for you?
Elementary and Motive were OK for me. I''m using quality = Any. May be worth trying that or using Custom SD, HD and then the archive if you have a preferred quality.
I will try that when I can get to the sd card because as there is nothing in my list for tonight I foolishly updated sickbeard and cannot get it to start so I will have to flash my card with the back up image when the missus gets back as I cannot reach it as I have a broken metatarsal
I tried the custom hd > hd and last night it only found "The Menatlist" and missed "Lost Girl" "Californication" and "Motive" and in spite of me not selecting webdl it started to download Hawii 5-0 webdl and NCIS webdl which had files missing so could not complete I had already downloaded the latter anyway as it was quite old
It does seem old behaviour. I'lll check mine when I get home but the last 10 days or so mine has been working fine.
mine is also running out of temp storage it is only 4.2 gb is there any way of increasing this I have set the switch to pause downloading while post processing to try and alleviate this but increasing the temp storage would be better it is in /var/sabnzbd/downloads/incomplete
I tried the custom hd > hd and last night it only found "The Menatlist" and missed "Lost Girl" "Californication" and "Motive" and in spite of me not selecting webdl it started to download Hawii 5-0 webdl and NCIS webdl which had files missing so could not complete I had already downloaded the latter anyway as it was quite old
Just checked mine. Only had 2 scheduled Mentalist and Good Wife. Both d/l OK
mine is also running out of temp storage it is only 4.2 gb is there any way of increasing this I have set the switch to pause downloading while post processing to try and alleviate this but increasing the temp storage would be better it is in /var/sabnzbd/downloads/incomplete

I've not run into that problem yet. I'm saving everything to a portable HD. Are you saving all to the SD card? If so, you could try extending the card to full capacity using sudo raspi-config (its one of the options near the bottom of the menu).

I don't know if that will work as its just a an idea.
I already did extend the root to fill the sd card I have now set the download folder to my usb hdd
I already did extend the root to fill the sd card I have now set the download folder to my usb hdd
Last night it failed on bones and hawaii 5-0 the only 2 shows in my list I have changed the search back to hd rather than custom hd > hd
there should be some detailed information in the sabnzbd log file. Location will probably be under the directory were sabnzbd.ini is also. You can change the level of logging, I think 1 gives the most detailed logging

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