reds day out


Sheep worrier.
VIP Member
There's a new story entry added:

[DLMURL=""] reds day out [/DLMURL]

one day a long long time ago red went out. red didnt go out very often so this was a special day. when red was out he passed a field. the fence around the field had a hole in it and a sheep stuck its head out and said "bahh". red thought this was amazing. red started to walk home and the sheep followed. when red got home the sheep was still behind him. red decided to keep the sheep as a pet. red opened his door to let the sheep in. the sheep went into reds house with red behind has never been out againthe endlmfao
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digidude said:
There's a new story entry added:
[DLMURL=""] reds day out [/DLMURL]

Of course you realise this means WAR.............lmfao:Jester:
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