recovered file fragments



Anyone know how to convert recovered file fragments back to files?

My hard drive threw a wobbler and 'lost' 3.2gigs of clone CD disc images I was storing for a rainy day.


if you change the file extentions back to the origonals you should be ok but cds are meant for keeping images on ..hard drives are for filling up with games <img src="graemlins/dizzy.gif" border="0" alt="[dizzy]" />

ps right click on the file and select rename and put in a name with a valid extention eg:-img gho<br /> that sort of thing ..cant remember the extention used by clone cd

[ 18 January 2002: Message edited by: jondoe ]</p>

Had already tried that for one of the .CCD files but half the file is gone.

plus there were 5 images.

I think I may as well say goodbye.

Thanks anyway!
Massaging file fragments back into files is a time consuming business and difficult business, and you need the right tools to do the job.

If you've got lots of file fragments, then you might have loads of files within these fragments, and if your disk had lots of fragmented files, then to find out which fragments come from which file and in what order is a difficult business, and only easy if you're dealing with documents where you can recognise words and phrases within the fragments, so can piece the file back together again.

So you need to know which fragments go with which file, and then when you've worked that out, you need to put all of the fragments back to reconstruct the file, but in the right order, ideally by editing the file allocation table (FAT).

Then of course the file size will be wrong, so you need to set that too by editing the directory entry for the file, which can be tricky to get right if you're dealing with a binary file with no end-of-file character on the end.

I've done this in the past with Norton Disk Doctor, but my days of doing this goes back to DOS and FAT16 - I guess it's all as easy with FAT32, but you really need to understand the disk structure.

That's probably a long winded way of saying I wouldn't bother!

All the best.