Record Delays in PIP, DLA and ESA Assessments !!


VIP Member
VIP Member
Dec 10, 2006
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Still Lost and Looking for a Better Place.
Mike Penning one of the Ministers of State for Work and Pensions, has admitted to Parliament today that there are currently 700,000 people caught up in the PIP, DLA and ESA assessment delays

To avoid even more delays, all DLA claims and reviews are being done by paper work assessment only, using the claimants medical evidence alone, by the DWP staff, and not ATOS or CAPITA who have been awarded multi million pound contracts to carry out the assessments !!
Brilliant !!! A complete shambles to beat anything that has gone before, costing more than anything that has gone before.....

BBC News - Hundreds of thousands hit by benefits backlog

It is time these organisations are removed from all government contracts !! And it is also time that those responsible for awarding the contracts were sacked !!
Mike Penning one of the Ministers of State for Work and Pensions, has admitted to Parliament today that there are currently 700,000 people caught up in the PIP, DLA and ESA assessment delays

To avoid even more delays, all DLA claims and reviews are being done by paper work assessment only, using the claimants medical evidence alone, by the DWP staff, and not ATOS or CAPITA who have been awarded multi million pound contracts to carry out the assessments !!
Brilliant !!! A complete shambles to beat anything that has gone before, costing more than anything that has gone before.....

BBC News - Hundreds of thousands hit by benefits backlog

It is time these organisations are removed from all government contracts !! And it is also time that those responsible for awarding the contracts were sacked !!
What about the genuine people that have been refused this benefit by these clowns. Will the disabled/claimant get a second chance under new rules?. Or is it a case of you are working now whether you are ill or not tough?.
What about the genuine people that have been refused this benefit by these clowns. Will the disabled/claimant get a second chance under new rules?. Or is it a case of you are working now whether you are ill or not tough?.

They are the ones that have met the government's satisfactory conclusion...........................where there is a good chance of working them to death !!
ATOS was a scape goat and as much as I don't like them, they were given targets by the gov to reduce the amount of people claiming incapacity benefits (now known as ESA). So to put it in my own understanding of what was asked of ATOS:


Out of every 100 claimants attending a medical only 10 should qualify for ESA. Then that was taking too long so the gov moved the goal post to: out of 100 claimants attending WEEKLY medicals only 10 should qualify for ESA, hence setting a target of ensuring 90 people a week lose their claim to ESA. So in reality, you get called up for a medical but had to postpone it, (say you were in hospital) theres a good chance you would automatically fall into the 90 claimants losing their ESA claim because ATOS needed to meet the weekly target.

Now I'm not saying ATOS should take no blame here but we also need to know that the gov saw this as an opportunity to weed out those who should not be claiming ESA but also then saw this as a chance to reduce benefits on a large scale with the backing of the public because most working people have been brainwashed into thinking that the majority of claimants are claiming benefits they should not be entitled to.

ATOS's part in all of this was they didn't use qualified medical assessors as this would cost too much. Most of the claimants were/are seen by joe blogs with a clipboard

This of course is just my opinion ;)
Well I waited a year for my pip assessment ! Only for atos assessor to lie in their report and prevent me getting enhanced mobility that I need. Then when I make a formal complaint that person no longer works there so won't change the report !!!
Complete charlatans !!

Sent from my iPhone using Fingers and thumbs ...
ATOS was a scape goat and as much as I don't like them, they were given targets by the gov to reduce the amount of people claiming incapacity benefits (now known as ESA). So to put it in my own understanding of what was asked of ATOS:


Out of every 100 claimants attending a medical only 10 should qualify for ESA. Then that was taking too long so the gov moved the goal post to: out of 100 claimants attending WEEKLY medicals only 10 should qualify for ESA, hence setting a target of ensuring 90 people a week lose their claim to ESA. So in reality, you get called up for a medical but had to postpone it, (say you were in hospital) theres a good chance you would automatically fall into the 90 claimants losing their ESA claim because ATOS needed to meet the weekly target.

Now I'm not saying ATOS should take no blame here but we also need to know that the gov saw this as an opportunity to weed out those who should not be claiming ESA but also then saw this as a chance to reduce benefits on a large scale with the backing of the public because most working people have been brainwashed into thinking that the majority of claimants are claiming benefits they should not be entitled to.

ATOS's part in all of this was they didn't use qualified medical assessors as this would cost too much. Most of the claimants were/are seen by joe blogs with a clipboard

This of course is just my opinion ;)

You have stated about what is widely known but neither the DWP/Government nor ATOS, Capita, etc would or have admitted, but the likes of ATOS knew by accepting those conditions they would have to lie to meet the critera. This appears to be the only reason these companies are being awarded these contracts because they have all been found incapable of even keeping up with meeting the amount of appointments never mind the disgusting failure rates expected.
So as I said before, all of their government contracts should be suspended and then anyone connected with the issuing these disgraceful contracts should be removed.
People can say that it is not the fault of ATOS etc but because they are prepared to accept those conditions, proves they are only interested in making a huge profit so they are also at fault. If I paid someone to go shoplifting so I could sell the goods at a profit, the shoplifter is still a criminal, the fact they were paid by someone else to carry out the "work" does not change anything.
You have stated about what is widely known but neither the DWP/Government nor ATOS, Capita, etc would or have admitted, but the likes of ATOS knew by accepting those conditions they would have to lie to meet the critera. This appears to be the only reason these companies are being awarded these contracts because they have all been found incapable of even keeping up with meeting the amount of appointments never mind the disgusting failure rates expected.
So as I said before, all of their government contracts should be suspended and then anyone connected with the issuing these disgraceful contracts should be removed.
People can say that it is not the fault of ATOS etc but because they are prepared to accept those conditions, proves they are only interested in making a huge profit so they are also at fault. If I paid someone to go shoplifting so I could sell the goods at a profit, the shoplifter is still a criminal, the fact they were paid by someone else to carry out the "work" does not change anything.

I get what you're saying but my point was, all the protesting appears to be against ATOS when it seems the gov has invested heavily in Teflon
I get what you're saying but my point was, all the protesting appears to be against ATOS when it seems the gov has invested heavily in Teflon

I agree that the government have deflected the blame, but if you take blood money to administer those immoral standards in a blatently corrupt manner then you must expect to attract the flack, and it was these corrupt actions that were easily proven, whereas although we know the government are ultimately to blame the actual proof of blame is more difficult to show and prove on paper.