[QUESTION] Clone 3 network sim card


Inactive User
Nov 26, 2004
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Hi 2 all.
I already posted this topic, but 4 personal reasons it was erased.
However, if some 1ne knows how to clone 3 sim cards, please let me know, as im trying 2 find out how is it done.

If u know some place or some that does it, but charges 4 this service, let me know as well.

best regards

100% impossible. No sims within about the last five years have been cracked. If memory serves me right, the current encrption is comp128. Only the older sims can be cloned/
hacker999 said:
what can u get by cloning sims?

well a spare simm but also if u cloned some one else's .........have u herd of the term basher simm card??

some one else cloned simm can be a very valuable thing if u know how to use it

.eg. free calls, other things that u can do with the gsm networks

but currently the encryption has been changed in 2000 so it like the sky nds no one can hack it yet
