Public emergency alerts to be sent to all UK mobile phones


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Jun 9, 2008
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Public emergency alerts to be sent to all UK mobile phones
A siren-like alert will be sent to mobile phone users across the UK next month to test a new government public warning system.

It allows the government and emergency services to send urgent messages warning the public of life-threatening situations like flooding or wildfires.

The test is expected to take place in the early evening of 23 April.

Phone users will have to acknowledge the alert before they can use other features on their devices.

A message will appear on the home screens of people's devices during the test, with vibration and a loud warning sound that will ring for about 10 seconds, even if the phone is set to silent.

The system - which became operational on Sunday - is being modelled on similar schemes used in the US, Canada, Japan and The Netherlands.

Messages would only ever come from the government or emergency services and will initially focus on the most serious weather-related events, with the ability to get a message to 90% of mobile users within the relevant area.

Terror alerts could be added to the list of potential events that would trigger a notification.

The messages will include details of the area impacted and instructions about how to respond.

They will only be sent where there is an immediate risk to life and many people may not receive an alert for months or years.

People can opt out by searching their device settings for emergency alerts and then turning off severe and extreme ones. Officials say the alerts could be life-saving, though, advising against switching them off.

Alerts 'can save a life'
The Cabinet Office says the service will be secure, free to receive and will not collect personal information such as someone's telephone number, identity or location.

The new system uses cell broadcasting technology and messages will be based on someone's current location - but location services do not need to be switched on to receive the alerts.

That is because when an alert is triggered, all cell towers in a defined area will broadcast it, allowing the message to reach an area the size of an electoral ward.
I don't have a mobile phone and get some crazy comments when someone discovers this fact..................who's the crazy fecker now !
I think you may be confused as to the difference between privacy breach and a legitimate and entirely useful message being broadcast to all mobile phones.
I can't imagine that anyone would object to receiving a bona-fide warning.
I think you may be confused as to the difference between privacy breach and a legitimate and entirely useful message being broadcast to all mobile phones.
I can't imagine that anyone would object to receiving a bona-fide warning.
So does that mean the Government are declaring they don't give a toss about those numerous people (mainly elderly or impoverished people) who do not own or use a mobile phones ?
Obviously you?
Why ?
Because I've not got my nose stuck to a mobile oblivious to everything and everyone about me just to talk to someone literally just out of sight or playing some inane game or that they are too busy filming or taking photos on their screen instead of looking at the real thing as it occurs ?
Yes, I suppose I must be mad because I have chosen to live life in real time.
So does that mean the Government are declaring they don't give a toss about those numerous people (mainly elderly or impoverished people) who do not own or use a mobile phones ?
I'm quite sure there would also be a message interrupting all television channels. Of course the elderly and impoverished may not own a tv either. If you have any suggestions how else the Government would contact the seemingly uncontactable other than by sending a letter then I'm sure they would welcome your input. 😂
I'm quite sure there would also be a message interrupting all television channels. Of course the elderly and impoverished may not own a tv either. If you have any suggestions how else the Government would contact the seemingly uncontactable other than by sending a letter then I'm sure they would welcome your input. 😂
Carrier pigeons🤔
So this siren warning?, Does it come to our phones and there's fook all we can do or do you have to pick up the call up or link in a text because any number I don't recognise and it's not in my book I don't answer, I leave it unanswered and Google it after.
So this siren warning?, Does it come to our phones and there's fook all we can do or do you have to pick up the call up or link in a text because any number I don't recognise and it's not in my book I don't answer, I leave it unanswered and Google it after.
Its a siren alert, you have no options.

A message will appear on the home screens of people's devices during the test, with vibration and a loud warning sound that will ring for about 10 seconds, even if the phone is set to silent.
Its a siren alert, you have no options.

A message will appear on the home screens of people's devices during the test, with vibration and a loud warning sound that will ring for about 10 seconds, even if the phone is set to silent.
Obviously didn’t read the op. 🙄
Would probably be logistically impossible to have a system that depended on a response to this siren. The bottlenecks would be massive. This is just like a high tech version of the old air raid sirens where the only response required was to run and find shelter.

This time the response would be to follow the on screen instructions.
Would probably be logistically impossible to have a system that depended on a response to this siren. The bottlenecks would be massive. This is just like a high tech version of the old air raid sirens where the only response required was to run and find shelter.

This time the response would be to follow the on screen instructions.
I live in Luton and the Airport still has the old Air-Raid Siren, it is occasionally sounded but I think that is only certain special occasions or just to check that it is still in working order.
People can opt out by searching their device settings for emergency alerts and then turning off severe and extreme ones. Officials say the alerts could be life-saving, though, advising against switching them off.
People can opt out by searching their device settings for emergency alerts and then turning off severe and extreme ones. Officials say the alerts could be life-saving, though, advising against switching them off.
From the comments I've read on YouTube I'd say there are many who are going to block it. Amazing how something like this brings out the morons in their droves. 😂
From the comments I've read on YouTube I'd say there are many who are going to block it. Amazing how something like this brings out the morons in their droves. 😂
That's a tad unfair to be honest. Our elected leaders may not have our best interests at heart.From past history some people would argue that they only have their own interest at heart.
Some would even argue that the whole Covid debacle is an indication of where we stand with these muppets who make sure they look after their own friends first and foremost.
One article I read....
The current estimates of the cost of Government COVID measures announced so far range from about £310 to £410 billion. This is the equivalent of about £4,600 to £6,100 per person in the UK. Official figures show that spending in 2020/21 was about £167 billion higher than had been planned before the pandemic for that year. Not sure if I think that was good value for money and worth the life we had for that period.
Too be honest I wouldn't trust them to run my kids birthday party.

In the meantime my alert system is turned off.
If Vlad going to drop the bomb then I'd rather not know about it and go out with ignorant bliss.
I heard 23rd April is the date of nationwide test. Although if this gets widely publicised they may change it.