PS3 Media Server


Inactive User
Jul 31, 2007
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Saw this n thought it might be of interest to the PS3 users.


PS3 Media Server is a DLNA compliant Upnp Media Server for the PS3, written in Java, with the purpose of streaming or transcoding any kind of media files, with minimum configuration. It's backed up with the powerful Mplayer/FFmpeg packages.

Not an owner myself so can't pass comment on it but sounded interesting.

When will Sony sort out a full Granturismo 5!
There are a couple of media servers out there, I think quite a lot of twonkyvision personally.
I use tversity which i stream too my kids xbox360 in their room and my ps3 :) easy too use especially if i can use it :silly:
I think the best thing to look for with a media server is something that can handle transcoding - so you are not hampered by the type of content itself.

For instance, mine is a twonkyvision based media server right now. It and the PS3 mean I cant watch a lot of xvid files or mkv's :(