Ps2 Mod/h20 Help Needed


Inactive User
Oct 4, 2005
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Was on a thread few weeks back about best chip,and ended up getting a chip H20 zero fix.Took ages to get here and with no wire so had t order that too.Anyway,I think it was Jay who was advising me but now I have it it looks tiny,so real pointers needed to where solder point are etc,,
I am hoping to try in next few days and just want an expert who has done it and knows I am not and havent done it yet,so plain language is and will be app-d. byb.I have a soldering bit 3mm,should it be 1.5mm to get this done??
thanks in advance
its being done on a Ps2 v14 slimline SCPH-75003
I am not to fimilar with this modchip but it seems a Budget price chip
if you have not done thise before please practice trying to solder on a old radio any bit of electrical board you have, you will need solder and flux a 12-15watt soldering iron with a 1to1.5mm tip and has you say you have kaynar wire
you will nead a thicker wire for live and earth
the wiring diagram are here
please take your time, becarful, I use to repair and mod a hell of alot of ps2 but went down another road., if i can give any more advice please ask and i will try to help. if your unsure about doing it pay a modder to do it it may save you money in the long run good luck
I am not to fimilar with this modchip but it seems a Budget price chip
if you have not done thise before please practice trying to solder on a old radio any bit of electrical board you have, you will need solder and flux a 12-15watt soldering iron with a 1to1.5mm tip and has you say you have kaynar wire
you will nead a thicker wire for live and earth
the wiring diagram are here
please take your time, becarful, I use to repair and mod a hell of alot of ps2 but went down another road., if i can give any more advice please ask and i will try to help. if your unsure about doing it pay a modder to do it it may save you money in the long run good luck

Hi ,thanks for your input.I have manged to get a small conical tip around 1.5mm and I did get the wire but not thicker type yet.I think I can use bell wire or phone wire which looks double the kaynar thickness for the earth /live like you say.I have seen the pics online for the mod,my basic question is ,do I just solder letter for letter, a, on chip to a, on diagram as in pics.I have done a good bit of larger soldering so I feel ok on that side just a firm definite for the letters on the diagram would help me.And a very basic Q. where should the chip be sited or is it just d/sided tape on somewhere.
yes follow then install to letter letter try to site the mod chip in a place which it pretty close to most of the wiring (from what i can see site it at the back of Q,T,U,V,R) and do try not to cross any wires over each other,and make sure where your site in the mod chip does not get in the way of rebulding the ps2
I would put black tape of the mod chip when finished and I use to hot glue to hold the wires in a neat postion maybe use tape in place, first just to check it works then hot glue them after.
Thanks m8.
I have just given up for now as my soldering tip is just too big I will get a micro tip tomorrow to carry on.The strips where you solder are incredibly small and I just cant do it right now,even tho I ground down an old tip it was holding solder and not making contacts.The ground wire seems to be hard to solder and another Q. I only attach the 5v live and not the 3v is that correct?
You dont have any pics of this type of job do you as I have managed a few cable boxes and that was a piece of p in comparison to this work.I will look in again tomorrow cheers.
install advice

Did you get a get a B flex strip with the chip, reading about this strips I would be more keen to use kaynar wire as bending these stips may cause problems, DONT install it to the 5v install the LIve to the 3.3 this puts less draw of power on the laser
The motherboards are covered in a laquer so each pont need to be gentley scratched away with a point of a craft knife,I also use a big light magnifying glass to the points look alot bigger , I would flux and solder each point before then attaching the wire

There is a picture if a DMS chip on a v12 board to give you a idea where to Install the modchip
Thanks that is good advice.Makes sense to scratch and solder first to the point.And the 3v is the only live point to do,I will make sure of that now.I got the pic ok and am trying to get as near to this part of the board with double sided tape in small strips to stick chip to board .I will let you know how it all pans out or my eyes go scatty ,but appreciate your advice.
Did you get a get a B flex strip with the chip, reading about this strips I would be more keen to use kaynar wire as bending these stips may cause problems, DONT install it to the 5v install the LIve to the 3.3 this puts less draw of power on the laser
The motherboards are covered in a laquer so each pont need to be gentley scratched away with a point of a craft knife,I also use a big light magnifying glass to the points look alot bigger , I would flux and solder each point before then attaching the wire

There is a picture if a DMS chip on a v12 board to give you a idea where to Install the modchip
Hi xbc
I did what I could on the board tonight,and gave it a go I think I have got all the wire in right places but there are 5 or 6 points that are just tiny wee circles and I did my best to get a solder on but I admit defeat.I just effed a tiny wee chip that came off on solder iron at the z point of the diagram.I dont know what that does but I am f----d and my eyeys have gone even with mag glass and spotlight. Every bit of solder on the long strips went fine just took so long to get a joint on these wee dots....Have I f-----d this ps2 and is there aa better way on soldering these dots,like a tiny pin thru then tack it with solder would that work??
Just too done in to touch it for a while.
These little circles are via's the only way really is to make sure you gently clean them well and dip you solder in the flux and then hold the solder as close to the via and touch it with the iron, a fibreglass pen is going to be to big and remove to much around the via and you wil end up soldering to the motherboard and via which you dont want,

IF you have removed the via at Z point I think the only thing you can do is now remove everything I now this is a pain but you got to see if your ps2 still boots and works

you can get a flux solder pen which may help with a better bonding from somewhere like Maplins or on the net

I will try to find out what the Z via is and see if there is another alternative point to solder to
hi m8 sorry ive just seen your thread been bizzy..xmas and all that's a pic of a slim v 14 i did the other day ...the tiny via's need to b cleaned off ..with a blade.then apply a little flux...Z is a big point need to look for another point for Z as there isint one....... good luck m8 :xmas:
I think he is saying he has removed the via at Z with his Soldering Iron

hi m8 sorry ive just seen your thread been bizzy..xmas and all that's a pic of a slim v 14 i did the other day ...the tiny via's need to b cleaned off ..with a blade.then apply a little flux...Z is a big point need to look for another point for Z as there isint one....... good luck m8 :xmas:
I have been on to the lads who make the H20
and they have said if he has removed the Z via,He can solder to it on the other side or simply solder Z to gnd. In that case in-game swapping will be disabled (like cheat systems or ps2reality media player on CD)
Thanks for all the guidance and help on this wee!! project.
I had to just call it quits after I read the posts and followed up on the advice you have given.
To begin with I think I did a pretty good job in soldering all the tiny strips and all the small point that had solder on them and of course the chip itself.Then I made the big mistake,I did not have any joy on the vias/veers? points and stupidly overcooked and even frustratingly stuck a pin in the board to try fo a solder and as I said took one of the wee chips off near v trying to solder a vias point.Anyway before I was going to throw the effing thing in a bin,I just took off all the soldering I had done and removed the chip and put it all back together again.I tried switching on and connected to tv ,no bang,so I put a genuine game in and it worked,I tried a backup with switch magic no go.I took it apart and cleaned up board again and put some blue tack on the pin holes I had made put it together and tried again AND HEY! it worked with the switch magic again,played all the music ,dvd movies and was as before.
My lesson learned,leave it to those who can.I must say to you guys that you must have eyes like superman and calm fingers to do this stuff,and I'd doff my hat if I had one to you.
I THANK YOU ALL AND MUST SAY THE ADVICE WAS SPOT ON.I will just get my son to keep swapping this year.