problem on manual input


Inactive User
Nov 22, 2008
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Hi all, I have a problem when inputting keys manually, when i put oo keys in and save all OK, then change to 01 but the key box stays on the previously inputted keys, I change these to the correct keys and save then exit out, the channells are still scrambled then if I go back into the nagra menu the key numbers in both 00 and 01 are the same numbers ie. the 00 keys. This has my head bursting has anyone a solution or reason for this happening.
By the way this just happened today yesterday was no problem.
Kind Regards Ted
Hi all, I have a problem when inputting keys manually, when i put oo keys in and save all OK, then change to 01 but the key box stays on the previously inputted keys, I change these to the correct keys and save then exit out, the channells are still scrambled then if I go back into the nagra menu the key numbers in both 00 and 01 are the same numbers ie. the 00 keys. This has my head bursting has anyone a solution or reason for this happening.
By the way this just happened today yesterday was no problem.
Kind Regards Ted

Don't have one of these boxes so this is a bit of a stab in the dark. there is only ever one key active at a time, at the moment thats the 01 key if your in a ex cw area so you need to edit that one, if you can't find that key to change try and change the key numbers round i.e edit the 00 key to 01 and the 01 to 00 and and then at least they will both be the same numbers but the 01 numbers.Hope that didn't sound to confusing, and don't know if it'll work,but worth a go. you can always change them back
regards acercam.

sounds as though after editing the 00 key and saving it, you have then gone back to the 00 key index and instead of scrolling across to 01 you have pressed 1 on the remote and the box is confused

just read your post again and I am now convinced that this is what you have done. I know because I used to do this.