Plotters made suicide videos

I Agree the Muslim community need to publicly display outrage at such individuals, who say they are following Islam, but show by their actions they are not. If they dont say anything it would appear that they support these Nutters

Why are true muslims the so quiet??? I wonder if they fear these extreamist?
they should be hanged

under sharia law these nutters would be hanged because they are killing innocent people and twisting the teachings of islam.

i fookin hate idiots like that.

they should be deported to some country and then killed as the enemy.
Why are true muslims the so quiet??? I wonder if they fear these extreamist?

That is a big part of it m8. These extreamists or 'mullahs' as they are called have alot of power.

Countries like Pakistan are heavily influenced by these guys, the government lives in fear of what they might do, they are incharge of the country by proxy...
One of the major problems is that these people and their families are having kids and those kids are brought up in the UK to hate the country. The amount of people being brought up to hate the UK is increasing and the numbers will only go higher. This is going to create social unrest in the whole of the country, as more and more kids are brought up to hate the British.

The best thing to do is deport anyone who is linked to terrorism. If they have a British passport that then needs to be revoked and they must leave for where ever they want to go. Once you start to live in countries such as Yemen and lose your great way life you may actually start to think that Britain is great after all. Right now they get to hate us whilst enjoying all of the benifits that the country has to offer and we're mugs for letting this happen right under our noses.

But letting the current judicial system with current legislation exist we are just letting this hatred breed whilst our our way of life is slowly being eroded never to return.

One funny thing about this story is that the muslim wanna be bombers have decided to cut each others throat in court, so much for loyalty to my brother LOL. These guys really are chumps of the highest calibre.
deport them to wherever their grandparents were born, people like this are the seeds that the british civil war will grow from